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Magazine Features

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 11:38 am
by Speedemon
Here is the list of current sections available:


Main Subject-Off-Roaders (Full)

The Reviews* (3 cars needed)

The News (Tell us what is happening in your company!)


The Duel

The Spotlight (1-2 cars)


Magazine ads (1 page covers are 603 X 783 Pixels. 2 page covers are 1206 X 783 Pixels.)

*New! Now more then 1 car can be reviewed.

Re: Magazine Features

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 2:00 pm
by TofuWarrior
Speedemon wrote:Tell us what is happening in your company!

I heard that Venisi Motor Company(or just Venisi) is in the process of reviving the Autista nameplate as a lightweight, nimble, two door sportscar that aims to put total focus on the driver, with minimal use of electronic gizmos. It's rumored to be powered by a high revving N/A inline-6 engine producing atleast 300 HP, and may even get a race trim.

New Job!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 7:15 am
by Speedemon

You can now get hired as a REPORTER.

What a reporter does is goes around on the forum looking for new things like cars or just things that have been announced, like new releases or concepts.

Want a job? Go to Injection Magazine to get one!

Re: Injection Magazine :Looking For Off-roaders:

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:27 am
so how's the new issue coming along?

I believe that it's a bit early to post V12s?

Re: Injection Magazine :Looking For Off-roaders:

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 2:32 pm
by Speedemon
It has not been going so well because of the new update. I might need people to resend the files. Since I got kind of confused so if you are going to resend the files, put this on the PM: Image

But now with the new update with improved track times I have announced that Injection Magazine will be getting a test track! :D

Re: Injection Magazine :Looking For Off-roaders:

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:41 pm
make a post if you need them exported in the new version :roll:

Re: Injection Magazine :Looking For Off-roaders:

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:46 am
by Zabhawkin
Ill resubmit mine as soon as the hyper car contest is done.

Re: Injection - Reviving magazine in different style

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:38 pm
by Speedemon

I will be reviving this magazine in a more simple, and easier fashion. Instead of making a PDF file for you to read, I will post the articles on the forum. I will try to do photo-shop kind of stuff, but I am very inexperienced.

Please go back and read the OP for the new stuff I will be adding.

Hot Hatch Comparison: 0/4. Need at least 2. Deadline January 20th or until I get 4 cars.

Re: Injection - New article coming out Dec 23rd

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:57 pm
by vmo
But you had muy urbano mrp, no?

Re: Injection - New article coming out Dec 23rd

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:08 am
by Speedemon
I think I still have it and I can include it in the comparison if you want. :)

Re: Injection - New article coming out Dec 23rd

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:22 am
by vmo
Speedemon wrote:I think I still have it and I can include it in the comparison if you want. :)

Ok. Include it please!

Re: Injection - New article coming out Dec 23rd

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 3:15 am
by Speedemon
AMWEC: Will V12‘s take over next season?

The AMWEC did not have V12‘s last season. And now that they are coming next season, we have some facts and questions about that. We want to know what will happen on the track, and how the cars will compete with V12‘s. Here is what we came up with.

V12‘s are powerful beast’s. These engines will scare off the competition in AMWEC. At least we expect. For AGTE and AP2 it is not much of an issue. They have turbochargers on their side. The V12‘s will certainly give the previous cars a run for their money, but that is only for those two classes. It is AP1 that is going to get scared. They have no turbos, which means their engines can’t be powerful enough to compete without reaching maximum engine capacity (5500cc), or wasting fuel. Most people will take advantage of the V12‘s and use them in their cars. But we don’t know what will happen, so we got the creator of AMWEC, SillyWorld to answer our questions.

Speedemon: Will their be any rules changed with the arrival of V12‘s?

SillyWorld: Yes, there will be some changes, but not precisely for the arrival of v12s. The main change i's bigger displacement for the engines (up to 6000cc for NA engines for AGTE, 5800cc NA for the AP1 and AP2) and you will be allow to de-bore and de-stroke an engine to meet the regulations. The most common complain with the current set of rules is the eligibility for the AGTE class. Some competitors already had cars but couldn't participate because of the displacement limit, or the number of doors. The AGTE will PROBABLY be divided into 2 classes, one for (limited production) hypercars, gts... with 2 doors and one for more common production cars with up to 5 doors.

Speedemon: How do you think the competitors will take advantage of V12‘s?

SillyWorld: It's a 2 edged word, V12s has the highest output per liter, but they also are heavier and really long. So we might see a lot of V12s in the AGTE cars, but probably the prototypes will stick to traditional v8s.

Speedemon: Do you think there will be any downsides to V12‘s in the AMWEC?

SillyWorld: They're heavier and need more fuel to keep running. And (at least today) there are not enough car bodies that can take big v12s.

Speedemon: How do you think this will change competition on track?

SillyWorld: It's hard to tell! But I can almost see the posts "damn, how in the hell does strop goes so fast and mine it's slower even though I use a V12?!?" :lol: The main goal for the next set of rules it's to balance out a little bit more the competition. The current rules were made to make the GT cars be as competitive as the prototypes (unlike real life)... but it turns out they became to competitive! If the V12s were being available for this season, the AGTEs will be truly unstoppable.

Speedemon: For my last question, what are the good things about V12‘s being part of the AMWEC?

SillyWorld: More variety, and more fun. Now the competitors have more options when designing engines. And I think that's the most fun part for a challenge/competition. When you have a goal and you have many ways to achieve it. And if you don't like what you design, you could just re-do it, try other things, and get a completely new result!

Re: Injection - V12's in AMWEC

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 3:26 am
by squidhead
And I'm actually planning on downsizing next season :D

Re: Injection - V12's in AMWEC

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 3:29 am
by vmo
My brand pride says me that i need to choose a v12, but only if i cant select a v8 biturbo or a v10.

Re: Injection - V12's in AMWEC

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 10:18 am
by strop
For me, this means dual testing strategy, as it's not immediately clear which engine layout is superior!

It seems unlikely though that the chassis material rules will change, so GG would, if the season was for 2016+, look to continue their partnership with Znopresk.