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AVUS Grosser Preis von Berlin 1991 [FINISHED, RESULT INSIDE]



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Post Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:06 am

AVUS Grosser Preis von Berlin 1991 [FINISHED, RESULT INSIDE]




The final entry list for the race on Sunday February 14 2016


Jump to Results:
C50: viewtopic.php?p=94657#p94657
C60: viewtopic.php?p=94658#p94658

To celebrate the unification of Berlin we have reopened the Automobil-Verkehrs- und Übungsstraße Berlin for a second race to be held in 1991.
The first race had rather good participation and produced some spectacular results. Track record is 1:56,32 with a 1000cc Turbo V6 engine (strop/nialloftara). viewtopic.php?f=39&t=8993

AVUS is an extremely fast (and potentially deadly) track. I therefore allow only modest displacements to promote safety, and to facilitate getting maximum performance from what you got.
There are two classes. Turbos will be restricted to 1.2L and 1.6L, N/A engines to 2.85 and 3.8L. There is also a strict cost limit in place to prevent excessive use of quality improvements.
Turbos can get better lap times than N/A engines, but this does not mean that the car with the most horsepower automatically wins. A special fuel calculation rule will be introduced for the first time, that benefits naturally aspirated engines and cars with better fuel economy. It will be very hard to build a winning car just by fuel consumption though (tested by me).

The key to win is use of the two long straights. In order to do so you must build a car that reaches 350 - 400 km/h and has minimal aerodynamic drag. Aero is tricky on this track considering that 2/3 of the track time is spent full throttle, probably you get your best time without any aero at all.

Different to the previous event, race intakes, race exhaust and slick tyres are allowed this round. It's only required that quality for tyres is left at 0, because we want all cars to run on the same tyres.

The rules:

1. The AVUS Race Track

For this challenge, a corrected, new version of the track has been published (v2.3) http://automationgame.com/phpBB3/viewto ... 790#p64790
It now sets the scale factor back to the exact value which might slightly affect your lap time (a fraction of seconds)

2. General Car Rules


Pay attention that there is a cost limit for all classes. You can find the total cost of your car under "Details Stats" , "Total Cost Per Car", "Tiny"

Don't get confused by the number 39999. This is an example for the old C40 class, in this round you can spend 50,000 (C50) or 60,000$ (C60).

total_cost_example.jpg (44.57 KiB) Viewed 8267 times

3. Classification Rules


Every car gets a tank size according to its weight ( car weight /10 ) and refuels according to its fuel consumption and tank size.

The fuel rule is actually quite simple: A car with with a 60 liter tank and 15 litres/100km consumption will need 1 pitstop every 400 km. This results in 2 pitstops over the 1000 km race (rounded down from 2.5). Per pitstop a flat time of 2:00 minutes will be added to the final race time. That means (for 2 pitstops) total race time will increase by 4:00 minutes total. And that's all.

Even simpler: a good rule of thumb is that every pitstop equates to ca 1 second lap time over the entire race (120 laps x 1sec = 120sec = 2:00 min). That means NA engines which normally get away with 1-2 pit stops could make up 1-3 seconds lap time against turbos that need 3-4 pit stops (or more).

0 stops may also be possible, but it would mean <10L/100km fuel consumptuion and >1000kg car weight. Watch the lap times, such a car will most likely be crap :)

I supply a spreadsheet for the final classification / fuel calculation, you can have a look yourself , I hope that answers your questions.
Fuel Consumption Rule Sample 1991.zip
(649.92 KiB) Downloaded 277 times

4. Other Rules


5. Submissions

You can submit two cars, but they will only count as separate entries if one is N/A and one is Turbo. Otherwise I will pick your fastest car for the main race and the additional submissions go to the showcase event.
You can submit two cars based on the same chassis though.

Please follow naming guidelines:

First car: Class _ Username _ 01 for example C50_Burning Bridges_01
Second car: Class _ Username _ 02 for example C50_Burning Bridges_02

The C50/C60 at the beginning is particularly important to sort the entries into different classes.

If you send several trims, please provide sufficient info which one to use. Also state company, nationality and car name and everything else I need to know.

Not in the rules but common sense:

Send only simple, reliable car designs. Modded chassis can be used (unless they are used to cheat) but I may ask you for the required files, otherwise I have problems getting them to run. Modded fixtures is imo pretty superfluous in a competition, you can do that if you want but if it breaks your car I will not spend time to fix it.
Last edited by BurningBridges on Wed Feb 17, 2016 11:23 pm, edited 39 times in total.


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Post Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:06 am

Re: AVUS Grosser Preis von Berlin 1991 (1000km)

Previous Race Results (1990, 300km race)


Last year's race was won in the very last minute by a combined entry of strop (tuning) and nialloftara (engine). Together they could beat markus 817 by a half second (1:56,32). Congratulations to the winners strop and nialloftara and markus 817 to a valiant second place!!

Read more: viewtopic.php?f=39&t=8993

Final Classification 1990


Track Records


Top Speed


Lessons from 1990

First of all you can see how turbos totally dominated the field. Turbo technology eventually maxed out at 400 hp/litre, the best NA engines at 150 hp/litre.

We hope that this will not be so much the case with the new rules. First of all NAs get larger displacement and no more performance part restriction, which allows to narrow the gap. NA will still develop less hp though. That's why we introduced refueling pit stops, which could tip the balance (our own results were roughly equal).


For 1991 we see at least two approaches. One is to build a fuel guzzling turbo engine like the ones that dominated the first challenge, accept extra pit stops and create a sufficiently large lead in lap time. The other would be to look into ways of conserving fuel and get away with 1 pit stop or maybe even 0. Do you think you can pull it off and win the race by making the least pit stops? I doubt it, but a brave company might want to try exactly that. What you can expect is that a truly fuel efficient design can make up a place or two in the final classification when it directly competes with turbos. So perhaps the best way is not to think of it too much about a winning strategy but improving fuel consumption to get an advantage against the direct competitors.

Don't get too invested about the fuel consumption though, I will calculate everything and my calculation makes sense (I checked). Very roughly, every additional pitstop equates to 2:00 minutes, i.e. ca 1 second lap time over the race (120 laps x 1 sec = 2:00 min). That means a NA engines which normally gets away with 1-2 pits stops could make up between 1 and 3 seconds lap time against a turbo that needs 3-4 pit stops (or more).

If the 1990 race is anything to go by, it is not easy to build the winning car on this track. Cost efficiency is key and the winners had to come up with some really good ideas to reduce the cost of certain parts. Don't get too focussed on the lowest weight, there are other factors that influence your lap time more. In fact I did this mistake, and 1 week before the race my car looked light years ahead of the competition, but on the race day I was 8 seconds per lap behind the winning car! Horsepower is very important, but keep in mind, it's not the car with the highest hp/kg that won. (although normally more horsepower always produces better times)

More Tips, 01.02.2016

As to what makes a car really good in its class. I would say 50% is horsepower. The other 50% cost. A good engine makes you so fast, but in order to go further you must think out of the box. What exactly makes your car cost as much as it does? Generally if you can minimalize certain unimportant parts, you may be able maximize some others. I hope that helps a little bit.

Also afaik there are several good chassis this time, which is good. But if you have a bad chassis, you have practically no chance.

Presentation Day

Traditionally on the Saturday before the race there is a round with unranked cars by the host teams.

DMW Transeuropa

DMW used the track to test their Transeuropa 91 sportscar with front wheel drive. DMWs highly expensive and solid V8 Turbo delivers impressive performance and top speeds of up to 390,8 kmh but the FWDs were again not able to bring the full power on the road. The 2.85L C50 could almost catch up with the Turbo version after pit stops, gaining 4 minutes out of 6, and was only slightly behind at the finish line. This indicates that the turbo factor was nearly right this time and put N/As at least within striking distance, even though turbos still have a minimal edge.


In the C60 host race the DMWs faced a car from Czechoslovakia, the ZLIN Z-911P. We had invited teams from neighboring countries to use the track, and Czech enthusiasts from the town of Zlin have immediately jumped at the opportunity. While the Z-911P cannot match the Transeuropas top speed, it was less expensive, and demonstrated that cornering and acceration are also important on the AVUS. In the end the ZLIN clocked better lap and race time than the DMW, making it our fastest car to date.

Table 1 Presentation day results

This serves as a preview of the format in which we will present the results. The light blue area indicates the total race time after pit stops are added. From left you can also see the time for one lap, the track time without pit stops, number of pitstops, the total pit time and if there is a change in position, an indicator how much the car has changed position due to pitstops. In this case, none of the cars changed position but there have been quite substantial gains by the only N-A car in the field, the DMW 9128. The gain was 4 minutes but unfortunately it was ca 6 minutes behind in track time, otherwise it could have beaten the 9112 turbo.

Feel free to ask questions about the classification, because It could help me to improve the presentation of the result tomorrow.

Table 1 Presentation day car data

Here you see the usual information about the cars, see above.
Last edited by BurningBridges on Mon Feb 15, 2016 7:07 am, edited 18 times in total.


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Post Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:06 am

Result / C50 Class

Here the official result for C50 class.



C50 Race

Maam Vastra
Prydonian Motorsports entered the race with just 2800cc out of 2850, and a bit overweight. The performance index was actually quite respectable, so it is not clear if the car could not have done better.

Slax car was remarkable in that it was the only cat that came extremely close to 0 pit stops (1.07). This would have moved it up one position.

Apparently Automurdermotive were invited to the utility car austellung at the Funkturm, but were erroneously sent the papers for the AVUS 1000km. The Icelanders so diligently fullfilled the requirements that they ended up with the fastest jeep in the world. They already received orders from German authorities for a truck that goes 300 km/h

Cadillac Dave
Nice lemon color! Chosen in Prollauto Magazin 2/91 as their favorite.

Deus ExMackia
The crowd cheered this beautiful retro car. It had some of the usual fitting problems that you would expect from a British product, but clocked excellent times. Interestingly AVUS Proto91 became the first “victim” of the pit stop rule. 4 pit stops meant losing a position to Leeroy Racing.
Unanimously elected as the most beautiful car.

Leeroy Racing N/A car benefitted from the pit rule and moved one position up, taking a the 3rd podium position.
They also submitted a turbo, but something must have been wrong with that engine, because it finished even below the trukkari.

This car was a surprise that came from nowhere. An extremely good time for a naturally aspirated car, it took second place easily and was close to skipping another pitstop (2.06) , so it could have finished even better.

Markus 817
Matoyama Motors already demonstrated in 1990 that their engine and cars can always be expected in the top positions. Unsurprisingly they took the win in a race that was mostly consisting of new teams. The XSR-2 was dubbed “Das Japanische Ei“ because of its chubby look.
Last edited by BurningBridges on Mon Feb 15, 2016 7:04 am, edited 4 times in total.


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Post Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:07 am

Re: AVUS Grosser Preis von Berlin 1991 (1000km) suggestions

Result / C60 Class

Here the official result for C60 class.



C60 Race

Maam Vastra
With only 8L/100km Madam Vastra’s Exigence was the second car that came close to 0 pitstops (1.06)

Vri 404
Needle Production Cars/Guardian Developmental Group are doggedly working on their dream of becoming a renowned team in the AVUS racing. And although their last entries were a bit unsuccessul their determination has payed off. The “Matte menace” car is 50 seconds faster than last year's car, a monster improvement. Even though it was still not enough for a top position the Matte Menace does well in the field, beaten by just seconds. By the way, our specialists saw several things how the Matte menace could be even further improved. For example we would reconsider AWD, only RON 92 from 98 octance fuel or a super aggressive stroke of 85.5 x 84.6 that made the creak even under modest stress.

Cadillac Dave
Nice lemon color! The cars will be featured in Prollauto Magazin 2/91on next Monday.

The Nardo was interesting because it has the lowest fuel consumption for any turbo in both classes (only 2 pit stops) and got very good laptimes, but in the end several N/As were better. Perhaps the fuel consumption was a gamble that didn’t pay off, otherwise we had expected a better position until we saw the ultimate result. Still, a good 6th place.

HighOctaneLove entered with a V12 (even transversely mounted!) that got dangerously close to OleBoresParabol’s SuperFang. In the end they were only 30 seconds short of taking the 4th place!

They also submitted a turbo, but the same picture emerged like in the C50. The NA was very competitivie but somehow the turbo couldn’t quite impress.

Fenris already got a great result in the C50 earlier today and the C60 Superfang showed that it had not been a fluke. With one of the best times for a naturally aspirated car they took 4th place. The Superfang lost out a bit on pitstops (2.11), otherwise the distance to Place 3 would have been merely 9 seconds.

This car is a bit of a shock. Nicknamed the "Evil pumpkin", Smooth Racing went the radical route, with reduced air resistance and an absolute top speed 381,0 km/h, in spite of considerable extra weight. Ultimately they had to pay a price for the excessive weight (1117 kg) but could defend 3rd place against Superfang, which had been directly at their heels over the whole race.

Image Image
Markus 817
Matoyama Motor’s cars were again the force to beat. Interesting is the switch of position between their two cars, the XSR-2 Turbo, which drove the absolute fastest lap time, and the XSR-2B N/A. A bit surprisingly it was the XSR-2B that won the by a race razor thin 10,31 seconds after the Turbo had completed 4 pit stops and fell back a total of 6 minutes (without pit stops the lead of the turbo had been 5m49,69).

Congratulations to the Podium: 1-2 winner Markus 817, and AirJordan with its amazing "Pumpkin". P.S. We really like radical stuff!!
Last edited by BurningBridges on Mon Feb 15, 2016 7:05 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:25 am

Re: AVUS Grosser Preis von Berlin 1991 (1000km) suggestions

I had to increase the turbo handicap even more.

Is somebody interested in taking part or should we wait one or two months?


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Post Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:27 am

Re: AVUS Grosser Preis von Berlin 1991 (1000km) suggestions

I'll give something a go.

See what I can muster.

See if I can make a somewhat fast car...
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Post Thu Jan 28, 2016 7:35 am

Re: AVUS Grosser Preis von Berlin 1991 (1000km) suggestions

I'd recommend banning this body as well if you want there to be diversity amongst the winners. If this gets off the ground I'll try to contribute.
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Post Thu Jan 28, 2016 12:56 pm

Re: AVUS Grosser Preis von Berlin 1991 (1000km) suggestions

BurningBridges wrote:I had to increase the turbo handicap even more.

Is somebody interested in taking part or should we wait one or two months?

So, this is open now?

P.S. Quick question... Can we run a third car so each category can be entered or is it a strict, two car only rule?
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Post Thu Jan 28, 2016 1:24 pm

Re: AVUS Grosser Preis von Berlin 1991 (1000km) suggestions

you could have make it more simple, but no make it harder
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Post Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:05 am

Re: AVUS Grosser Preis von Berlin 1991 (1000km) suggestions

durk wrote:I'd recommend banning this body as well if you want there to be diversity amongst the winners. If this gets off the ground I'll try to contribute.

Yes, thanks!


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Post Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:14 am

Re: AVUS Grosser Preis von Berlin 1991 (1000km) suggestions

theh4x0r1337 wrote:you could have make it more simple, but no make it harder

Not sure what you mean.


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Post Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:18 am

Re: AVUS Grosser Preis von Berlin 1991 (1000km) suggestions

HighOctaneLove wrote:
BurningBridges wrote:I had to increase the turbo handicap even more.

Is somebody interested in taking part or should we wait one or two months?

So, this is open now?

P.S. Quick question... Can we run a third car so each category can be entered or is it a strict, two car only rule?


It means you can enter two cars in each class, but one must be a turbo, the other natural aspirated. Since this should be enough to set the two cars apart, I allow identical chassis for both cars.

The reason for this rule is that in the last round some people submitted two versions of the same car with identical engine/chassis, which makes it hard to maintain a fair classification.

I will try that non classified cars will also be run and published like in the last round, but under "other cars"
Last edited by BurningBridges on Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:37 am, edited 2 times in total.


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Post Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:28 am

Re: AVUS Grosser Preis von Berlin 1991 (1000km) suggestions


You can now send me your cars if you want.


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Post Fri Jan 29, 2016 12:14 pm

Re: AVUS Grosser Preis von Berlin 1991 (1000km) suggestions

BurningBridges wrote:
HighOctaneLove wrote:
BurningBridges wrote:I had to increase the turbo handicap even more.

Is somebody interested in taking part or should we wait one or two months?

So, this is open now?

P.S. Quick question... Can we run a third car so each category can be entered or is it a strict, two car only rule?


It means you can enter two cars in each class, but one must be a turbo, the other natural aspirated. Since this should be enough to set the two cars apart, I allow identical chassis for both cars.

The reason for this rule is that in the last round some people submitted two versions of the same car with identical engine/chassis, which makes it hard to maintain a fair classification.

I will try that non classified cars will also be run and published like in the last round, but under "other cars"

Nice, I'll be building 4 cars then! :lol: :ugeek: :D

EDIT: Quick question... Do you have all the mod bodies or do I need to stick to vanilla content?
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Post Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:07 pm

Re: AVUS Grosser Preis von Berlin 91 (1000km) TAKING SUBMISS

4 cars is within the rules, yes, if they all have the right engines. In case your file holds more than 4, just send me instructions which ones to use

And see naming guidelines:

C50 First car: C50_HighOctaneL_01
C50 Second car: C50_HighOctaneL_02
C60 First car: C60_HighOctaneL_01
C60 Second car: C60_HighOctaneL_02

Concerning mods, in the past when someone had a body that I couldn't locate, I ask them to zip me the chassis folder (eg "\583161520_90sMRSmallCorvette"), which they did.
But Vanilla is always preferred, because mods can cause a lot of work.

Also no need to rush this time, the competition is just slowly beginning and there isn't even a race date yet.

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