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Re: '95 NASC (Monza Qualifying Results)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 10:18 am
by durk
I'm going to be removing the randomization of laps. It's just too much work for such a trivial difference. Everyone's lap time will always be what their car would achieve using the automation test track feature, but things like fuel weight, strategy, etc. will still factor in.

EDIT: This ruleset is so convoluted and messy in practice that I may consider only running one race :(. Sorry guys, it was a little too ambitious for just me to take on with my limited experience, but I'll try to get at least one race out there. My plans to automate this whole thing fell through (Yes, I am actually rolling dice now despite what the OP says XD. It seems I can't remember Java well enough to get my plans to work out.), and the build phase ran a bit too long and now I'm in a position where I don't have as much time to run this as I would like. Hopefully you guys can understand. It's not everything I promised, but I WILL get Monza's results out there at the very least. I'll also be doing away with the pushing/conserving mechanic for this race because it's causing too many problems. This thing is just way messier than I anticipated and I was a bit too nice with the due date extensions and now I'm in a tougher spot. I was afraid I would have to shut the challenge down, but I'm trying to work through this. Seems like this is going to take quite a few hours now that I have to do every calculation by hand. Let this be a lesson amongst the other failed challenges that this stuff is a lot harder than it seems.

Re: '95 NASC (Major Announcements)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:46 am
by Vri404
I feel bad for you, Durk. Really do.

I honestly do not mind how this goes about.

you could use randomization websites, instead of rolling die. Just takes about a minute off the entire time, but that's still a minute less than how long it currently takes.

Also could use Excel spreadsheet calculations, although they do have a steep learning curve.

Re: '95 NASC (Major Announcements)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:26 pm
by durk
I mean, I don't roll physical dice. I already use a website for it. Might have to take some time off and learn excel or something before taking another crack at something like this. I think Java has been overhauled a bit since I last learned it because I can't get certain things to work and it seems like every source I can find on the internet is even more dated than my knowledge is. I'll try to get Monza up. See what I can do. Might not be the big, exciting, long-running racing series it was supposed to be, but I'll try to give you guys at least one race. I may have to do some other tweaking to the rules to make it more suitable for a single race.

Re: '95 NASC (Major Announcements)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 1:05 pm
by 07CobaltGirl
Told ya it was really complicated! Do what is necessary to get through it. I'm sure we all thought it was on the complicated side of things.

Re: '95 NASC (Major Announcements)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 5:26 am
by Racer13
Wow, I was not expecting that result in qualifying. If these results are anything close to the normal performance of each car, and the new calculations stay, it looks like these results will more or less stay given the spread from car to car. This should definitely be an interesting race.

Sorry to hear that durk. It will be disappointing if this series doesn't run its course, not going to lie. But it is ambitious, and I totally don't blame you if you have to throw in the towel. Hopefully though you will find a way to push through. You've been good with communication for this challenge thus far, so I imagine you will make the right choice and let us know what's going on.

Cheers - Racer13

Re: '95 NASC (Major Announcements)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 9:37 am
by durk
I'd have to make some pretty big changes for it to be reasonable to run the series all the way through given my current situation. The whole strategy thing I threw in at the last minute really screwed me over, and it's probably going to have to be done away with if I don't want to kill this challenge/make it take a hilariously long time to run.

Chances are this is going to turn out to be a simple test of who built the best car according to the regulations. Not as cool as it should've been, but hopefully that's better than just killing this challenge. Lap times won't be randomized, no strategies, but I'll keep tire compounds and tank size choices a factor. From there it's just a matter of weather, crash probability, and pit stops (which I will probably also de-randomize).

I'll likely be taking another crack at running this challenge with the revised ruleset this weekend. I'll have to recollect all the data on the cars because I may have deleted everything in a fit of frustration XD.

Re: '95 NASC (Major Announcements)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:45 am
by durk
Honestly, at this point this challenge may as well be considered dead. I really didn't want to do this, but in case you couldn't tell by my communication becoming less and less frequent things are picking up a bit IRL and I don't have much time for Automation right now. I may revive it sometime, but unfortunately I didn't fully understand the amount of work that goes into something like this and my schedule doesn't have enough room to run such a horribly designed challenge, lol.

I apologize for my mistakes, and chances are I'll probably never try to run another challenge besides a revamped '95 NASC, but maybe I can participate on the forums in other ways if I find time for this forum again.

Re: '95 NASC (Major Announcements)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 12:45 am
by strop
I'll move this contest to the Suspended/On Ice section or declare it suspended on the Tracker, then?

Re: '95 NASC (Major Announcements)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:29 am
by vmo
Do you received my entry?

Re: '95 NASC (Major Announcements)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 12:31 pm
by durk
strop wrote:I'll move this contest to the Suspended/On Ice section or declare it suspended on the Tracker, then?

I suppose so. Didn't want to have to do this, but I guess this is how it's going to go down :(

vmo wrote:Do you received my entry?

No, I did not. Although maybe by the end of the year I'll do another challenge with an identical building ruleset, but with different "racing" mechanics. This way everybody's cars can end up participating in something...eventually. So, you can submit then.