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So where do we stand on the whole "Jeremy Clarkson" thing?



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Post Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:23 am

So where do we stand on the whole "Jeremy Clarkson" thing?

Just curious.

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Post Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:49 am

Re: So where do we stand on the whole "Jeremy Clarkson" thin

I am sitting. Also, I am not sure what this has to do with Automation, it would be suitable for the Off-Topic Forum.

In4 moved: There are many opinions about this, many say that Clarksoon took it far and deserves his punishment. However, I think that's a load of bullocks. I have not seen images of a badly beaten up person, someone who had to go to hospital or something. As long as I don't see that, I will assume that Clarkson punched the guy for some reason, but not so that serious injuries if any at all occured. BBC, pls.


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Post Sat Mar 21, 2015 4:25 am

Re: So where do we stand on the whole "Jeremy Clarkson" thin

Facts are pretty thin on the ground - from what I can understand:

  1. Jeremy Clarkson was put on notice last year for one too many racist remarks.
  2. Clarkson got into an altercation of some kind (probably minor) with a producer at a shoot.
  3. When Clarkson confessed to his bosses, he was suspended.
  4. Lots of people are unhappy.

I'm a bit in the middle about it, really, because I can see both sides of it.

On the one hand: Jeremy Clarkson has been the driving force behind the 2002-present BBC Top Gear television show, and it's been a good show. The way I always describe their attitude is, "take the cars seriously, and themselves not at all", and that's a large part of what has made it so good. Yeah, they aren't the greatest petrolheads in the world, but it's a rare kind of person who's willing to make themselves honestly, sincerely, and genuinely look like a dunce. Much more common is "I'm intentionally acting stupid for a laugh; see how clever I am?", but all three Top Gear presenters and Clarkson especially don't usually resort to that - because they're absolutely willing to make it really, really obvious how prone they are to the same kinds of boneheadedness as anyone else. And they give us a fun show about fun (and not-so-fun) cars while they do it. (And - lest I forgot to mention it - Jeremy Clarkson is an excellent interviewer. He's entertaining himself, but more importantly, he lets - nay, helps! - his guests be entertaining as well.)

On the other hand: Jeremy Clarkson is a bit of a bully and an ass - more so than either of his co-hosts. A lot of the jokes he makes at his co-host's expense have a bit of a mean edge to them - which they take in good humor, but it's a problem nonetheless. On top of that, he's a little too willing to look for humor in derogatory stereotyping; sometimes (like with the joke about lorry drivers in Episode 1 of Series 12) I'm pretty sure it's harmless, but I don't think any of the three co-hosts have a clear sense that (for example) using "pikey" as a slur contributes to an atmosphere in which the lives and concerns of Romani people are denigrated and ignored. Or that comedians have a moral obligation to punch up, not down. Speaking as a compassionate human being, I would rather Clarkson didn't see this as, "I was suspended for getting mad", but as, "I was on thin ice because I'd already made a lot of mistakes, and this was just the final straw." Or, better, "I've made mistakes, and I don't have to continue making the same mistakes, because I can see what it is in myself that led me to make those mistakes."

On the gripping hand: I haven't watched Top Gear for some time, so Clarkson's suspension doesn't really affect me one way or the other.


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Post Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:05 am

Re: So where do we stand on the whole "Jeremy Clarkson" thin

His fans delivered a petition to reinstate him in a tank. That's awesome, but not really relevant.
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Post Mon Mar 23, 2015 4:23 am

Re: So where do we stand on the whole "Jeremy Clarkson" thin

Vroomvroom wrote:In4 moved: There are many opinions about this, many say that Clarksoon took it far and deserves his punishment. However, I think that's a load of bullocks. I have not seen images of a badly beaten up person, someone who had to go to hospital or something. As long as I don't see that, I will assume that Clarkson punched the guy for some reason, but not so that serious injuries if any at all occured. BBC, pls.

Maybe a cultural difference here, but in MURRICA, if you punch your boss, you can expect to be fired. Doesn't matter if you give him a black eye, beat his brains in, or just give him a stinger that doesn't leave a mark. A punch is a punch.

On a personal note: I very much dislike people who use their notoriety to skirt/ignore the law. If I as Joe Blow am expected to lose everything for taking a swing, so should anyone else. That said, there's a good chance his fans will deliver for him.
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Post Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:00 pm

Re: So where do we stand on the whole "Jeremy Clarkson" thin

Clarkson should be fired. He hit a co-worker, which is never right, and he hit him because the co-worker couldn't supply Jeremy with a steak dinner. Jeremy and co. held up their personal helicopter transport for 2 hours and so missed the last call for dinner (the hotel's restaurant was long closed when he arrived). Upon being told he could have soup for dinner, Jeremy got very upset and, despite May and Hammond trying to calm him down, he hit his co-worker in the face. Apparantly the blow caused severe enough bleeding that the co-worker was taken to hospital (I suspect this was more of a precaution than anything else).

Imagine if it were you that was punched by a co-worker and sent to hospital because you did your job. You'd want him/her fired and in most cases they would be unless the offending worker showed some genuine remorse.

That's the key word here. REMORSE. Jeremy Clarkson has shown none of it, describing his suspension as a PC travesty and that the Lefties were out to get him. Later on he called his bosses a pack of assholes all the time while his rich, influential mates were lobbying BBC bigwigs to re-instate him. He's become the martyr of the far right who deplore all people being treated equally and is the poster boy for the concept that rich celebrities should get away with murder.

Here's a link to an article that more clearly sums up what I'm trying to say...

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Post Wed Mar 25, 2015 3:24 am

Re: So where do we stand on the whole "Jeremy Clarkson" thin

I cannot agree with you. Clarkson is, as you said, a rich celebrity, and, surprise, getting sacked from some irrelevant network which only really stays afloat because of Top Gear and Doctor Who would not really be a punishment to him, but to Top Gear fans.

Of course, he IS an asshole, but that does not change the fact that he's funny, and that Top Gear cannot really exist without him. That's the difference between me or you and Clarkson. Of course I could go to New Zealand, punch Daffy in the face and call him and Zeussy a pair of asswankers, and of course Daffy would just find another 3d contractor to do my job. That's because Daffy can find a replacement. BBC cannot.

Of course, he should be punished somehow, but it should actually hurt HIM, not ME.


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Post Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:22 am

Re: So where do we stand on the whole "Jeremy Clarkson" thin

I honestly think old Jerry just doesn't give a damn anymore. He'll probably keep making Top Gear if he can, but I don't think he needs the money, and I think he's probably ready for a break.

My opinion? What he did was definitely wrong and indefensible.

Will I continue to watch Top Gear with him on it, even after what's happened? Most definitely.

Will I continue to watch Top Gear without him? Almost definitely not, especially considering May and Hammond will likely leave with him.

I won't stop watching Top Gear because they fired him... I'll stop watching because the only Top Gear I have ever cared about is the one that has that genuine chemistry between the three producers. To me, without Clarkson, Hammond and May, Top Gear is just another car show.

This is an extremely tough decision for BBC, I'd hate to be in their shoes.
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Post Thu Mar 26, 2015 2:03 am

Re: So where do we stand on the whole "Jeremy Clarkson" thin

WildKarrde wrote:I honestly think old Jerry just doesn't give a damn anymore. He'll probably keep making Top Gear if he can, but I don't think he needs the money, and I think he's probably ready for a break.

My opinion? What he did was definitely wrong and indefensible.

Will I continue to watch Top Gear with him on it, even after what's happened? Most definitely.

Will I continue to watch Top Gear without him? Almost definitely not, especially considering May and Hammond will likely leave with him.

I won't stop watching Top Gear because they fired him... I'll stop watching because the only Top Gear I have ever cared about is the one that has that genuine chemistry between the three producers. To me, without Clarkson, Hammond and May, Top Gear is just another car show.

This is an extremely tough decision for BBC, I'd hate to be in their shoes.

Kind of agree with you here. Well news is out today that he is fired and thus will not come back as a BBC Top Gear presenter. Sad, but true. It is also true that he did things that one cannot do, especially if you are supposed to be "politically correct" when on TV. Jeremy wasn't, and that's something most people liked about him I think. He was a character of the show and gave the show character. Along with Hammond and May as more or less aides.

For BBC this was really a decision of principles over success I think. I think they did the respectable thing, I just do not like it it had to come to this. Of course the program is going to suffer. I think Hammond and May will stay. If however, they also leave then Top Gear is dead I think. They can try, but it will likely become a car show that is totally politically correct without any character that only few like to watch.


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Post Thu Mar 26, 2015 5:29 am

Re: So where do we stand on the whole "Jeremy Clarkson" thin

Tycondero wrote:For BBC this was really a decision of principles over success I think. I think they did the respectable thing, I just do not like it it had to come to this. Of course the program is going to suffer. I think Hammond and May will stay. If however, they also leave then Top Gear is dead I think. They can try, but it will likely become a car show that is totally politically correct without any character that only few like to watch.

Y'know what? I disagree. 'Political incorrectness' is not what made Top Gear a great show. What made Top Gear great was:
  • Good production values.
  • Witty banter and good comedic timing.
  • Interesting, well-thought-out, well-managed, entertaining challenges, without any serious cheating.
  • A love of cars - the sounds they make, the way they drive, the meaning we ascribe to them ... everything about the cars themselves (as opposed to the freedom of movement they provide) that helps make life worthwhile.
To be completely frank, the only item on this list that 'political correctness' could affect is "witty banter", and an awareness of how one's words and deeds affect society - how they reinforce or undermine the systems of behavior that privilege some people over others - in no way prevents people from being funny. Or from having character. Or from being off-color, for that matter. There are hundreds of standup comedians demonstrating that every day.

No, what I would expect is basically season 1 of Top Gear U.S. - a show sufficiently similar to the Clarkson Top Gear that we recognize what it's trying to be, but with clumsier humor, stupid segments (seriously, you have three Italian supercars and you hold a drag race?), and an unwillingness to be seen falling prey to the same kinds of honest buffoonery that we the viewers know ourselves to be prone to.

That, or presenters who don't know how to drive fast. That would just be embarrassing.


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Post Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:14 am

Re: So where do we stand on the whole "Jeremy Clarkson" thin

If they were to replace Clarkson on Top Gear, the likely scenario is: fans start complaining it's not the same, viewer numbers plummet, show gets cancelled in a year or so.

Now, what if Clarkson found a new network, pitched a new show and be rejoined by May and Hammond? This might not be a bad turnout of events.


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Post Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:08 am

Re: So where do we stand on the whole "Jeremy Clarkson" thin

Clarkson is unlikely to immediately turn around and land a new gig, IMO. He's poisoned right now, and it will take other networks time before they make a move; they're likely going to want for this to blow over before something happens.

Kind of like Michael Vick after the dogfighting. He still has a career, but it was delayed a bit.

BBC's decision was tough, no doubt. But also the correct one. It may well be the death knell of the show, and I have little doubt that fans will blame BBC for the decision rather than Clarkson for his actions. But I guess that's the way the world works these days.
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Post Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:09 am

Re: So where do we stand on the whole "Jeremy Clarkson" thin

This is the summary of what happened between the producer and Clarkson (as reported by the BBC investigator)


Basically Clarkson is answering for his lack of self-control and if this incident didn't sink him then the next one (and, yes, there would have been another incident) would have. At least Clarkson tried to apologise for his actions, but whether it was out of self-interest or genuine remorse we will never really know.

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Post Thu Mar 26, 2015 12:40 pm

Re: So where do we stand on the whole "Jeremy Clarkson" thin

Thanks for the link, HighOctaneLove, that's helpful to know. Definitely seems like the BBC did the right thing here.

I would like to think that Jeremy Clarkson would try to better himself after this, but I have low expectations.


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Post Thu Mar 26, 2015 3:20 pm

Re: So where do we stand on the whole "Jeremy Clarkson" thin

I have no expectations for Clarkson, I've known for a while that he's "a bit of a knob" as James May recently said... but that really is part of what I liked about him. Using edgy humor, and bloodying somebody up over a meal are different things though. I'm sad, and torn about this. A great era has ended. But the BBC probably made the right decision, morally at least. It punishes a lot of people though, who had nothing to do with the alteration. Hammond and May are probably not going to be on the show anymore, and if it's not a success with a new team, which I fully expect, then many people on the set will lose their job.

But really, Top Gear was on the decline already. I still enjoyed it, a lot, but it isn't new anymore. Honestly, I haven't even seen the last episode yet. I will... just haven't had time recently, and haven't made the time either.

The only hope Top Gear has now is a completely new format, with new ideas. None of the spin-off's have had serious success in trying to copy Clarkson's format. Because it's Clarkson's format... and it doesn't work without Clarkson, and Hammond, and May.
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