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Roll To Dodge... Redux



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Post Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:24 am

Re: Roll To Dodge... Redux

Hmm an underground Nazi shelter now that was unexpected.

If it wasn't for that fact people have told me i look Jewish i would try to talk to them and learn about where we are and whats going on but now i guess ill have to get out of here fast.

Action: leave the Nazi bunker


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Post Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:06 pm

Re: Roll To Dodge... Redux

Holy crap, are things getting real in here! I have no further hostilities with the ha- err, grandma (it seems she's just a bit short tempered with trespassers), so I take my leave. Next up, I see a big battle of three on one. But the one is a wolf, and it seems to have the upper hand! Omg, that guy just lost an arm.

"I'm a doctor, coming through!" I shout as I charge into the fracas. If only I had my things on me. Well, whatever!

ACTION: attempt to reattach cpufreak's arm


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Post Tue Mar 29, 2016 4:01 pm

Re: Roll To Dodge... Redux

Amusement park?! What use is an amusement park in this time of distress?!

Action: Walk there and ride the roller coaster.
Last edited by conan on Tue Mar 29, 2016 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Tue Mar 29, 2016 4:02 pm

Re: Roll To Dodge... Redux

One epic no later


Action: Run home to check if my Pokemon are there


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Post Tue Mar 29, 2016 6:37 pm

Re: Roll To Dodge... Redux

well scrudge. i didn't saw this when this started, now im a bit left behind

entering as: "cookie guy"

"ugh. what? why was i knocked out? im pretty sure i didn't drank any alcohol last night. or........ somebody might have sprinkled some 'brownies' on my cookie last night. jerk ass. so a forest, how did i even get here? hope i still have my stuff on me"

ACTION: check self and my pockets


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Post Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:10 am

Re: Roll To Dodge... Redux

OH YEAH! The ride was friggin awesome! FOREST FRONTIERS... i remember that from somewhere. Weird, i dont know from where though.
But there seem to be people walking around... maybe one of them can tell me where i am.. or better yet were we are.
I hope Siemens-01 has made the bicycle... we need to make some kind of walkie-talkie so we can talk over a long distance.

Action: Try asking the people that walk around where we are (as in: in what town, location or planet)
<Killrob> you commited a lot of crimes... among others against: 1) international minimum intelligence laws 2) human rights to a brain 3) act against devolution of the human mind


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Post Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:28 am

Re: Roll To Dodge... Redux

Speedemon: Throws maple syrup at wolf
You roll a: 4

You throw the bottle successfully.

You feel a tremor and see a tree fall in your direction.

Roll to dodge a tree: 6
You are a dick to trees. You punch the tree, splitting it in half.


cpufreak101: Beg the wolf to stop attacking
You roll a: 6

You do beg the wolf so loudly, someone else hears that. Someone up in the heavens.
"The gods of Roll to Dodge do not approve of you being a little bitch, cpufreak101" you hear a voice from the sky.

Roll to dodge a divine retribution: 2

Welp. 8 HP left.

Also, there's a tree coming in your direction.

Roll to dodge a tree: 3

The tree falls near you, and a branch hits you. 3 HP left


SkylineFTW97: Looks for everyone else
You roll a: 3

Eh. You do find only one person. A birdman with his little Pokebuddy. You also find a tree on a collision course with you.

Roll to dodge a tree: 3

You dive out of the way, but faceplant hard, as you hit a rock. -5 HP


Vri404: Looks for bird food
You roll a: 6

You find a venomous snake. Some birds of prey eat these.

Roll to dodge the snake's attack: 6

The snake jumps towards you, trying to bite you. You bitch slap it, killing it instantly. Now let's see what you can do about that tree that's about to fall on you.

Roll to dodge a tree: 2

Ouch. Not good. You'd lose 10 HP, but your new fiery friend has pulled you to safety.

Leonardo9613: Follows conan and pyrlix
You roll a: 2

...The tracks of conan and Roland vanished rather quickly for an untrained eye. You, you are not a trained tracker, so... nope, you got lost.

On top of that, that guy who got into your car is now having some sort of attack.

If that was not enough, a tree is about to hit you.

Roll to dodge a tree: 2

There goes the pristiness of the Leomobile. The roof has caved in from the impact, and the car is stuck. Good news is, it is a good enough shelter and you and the passenger only lose 3 HP.


titleguy1: Gets into the Leomobile
You roll a: 6

Wat. What am I supposed to do here? Ok, roll to see if you have an allergy to Brazilian Ford Ka plastics.

Roll to dodge allergy: 1

You do. Oops. -10 HP, with -2 HP for every turn you remain in here.

Also, you lose 3HP, since Leo failed to dodge a tree.


AirJordan: Tries to bring the forest down with a stomp.
You roll a: 5

Oh my. You stomp, and trees are falling right and left. Everyone in the forest except you has to roll to dodge now.


Madrias: Tries to obtain a weapon.
You roll a: 6

You find a laser pistol. In an attempt to examine it, you accidentally take the safety off.

Roll to dodge accidentally shooting yourself: 4

You quickly put it back on, and notice it has multiple operation modes: "daze", "blind", "hurt". Nice.

Your sensors indicate a tree about to fall on you.

Roll to dodge a tree: 3

In the process of dodging the tree, you trip, and hit the ground with a loud thump. You lose 5 HP.


EnryGT5: Asks for help
You roll a: 3

You asked for help successfully, but nobody came.

Also, a tree is about to fall on you.

Roll to dodge a tree (at -1, since you're stuck): 1-1=0

You know how every car is a Pinto in fiction? Well, a Trailblazer is a car, so... You are at the center of a nice explosion, lose 18 HP, have a Chevy fragment in your stomach (and lose 2 HP due to bleeding every turn). Trailblazer Hut is no more.

You are not stuck anymore though.


nerd: Tries to drive the Galant into the hut.
You roll a: 3

You get into the car.
"Where do you want to go?" It asks?
"Trailblazer Hut"
"It's...right there." The car points itself towards the house you have collapsed.
And it exploded now.

Also, a tree falls on the car, but the car tanks the impact.


rcracer11m: Leaves the vicinity of the Nazi bunker
You roll a: 2

Before you can leave, the ground shakes, and a tree falls in front of you. Another one follows. This time it's more accurate.

Roll to dodge a tree: 4

You get out of the way safely.


strop: Tries to retrieve the cpufreak's arm from the wolf.
You roll a: 3

You grab the arm, however, you could not get the grip right. Wolf gets +1 to dodging this thievery attempt.

(The wolf succeeds and gets a counter on top of that.)

You get bitten in the hand. -4 HP. Also, a tree is falling on you.

Roll to dodge a tree: 6

Since you are the only ninja here, the ninjitsu got concentrated in you, and you kicked the tree back into its place.


conan: Travels to Forest Frontiers
You roll a: 5

You are in. Turns out you are the 2000th guest to ever visit the park, and get a coupon granting you free entry to any ride.


JasonPoland: Runs home to check if his Pokemon are there
You roll a: 2

Well, the only building nearby is not your home. And it has just exploded.

Also, there's a tree coming towards you.

Roll to dodge a tree: 6

You kick the shit out of the tree. Poland stronk.


koolkei: Equipment check time!
You roll a: 6

You reach down a pocket, and feel something pricking you. You pull it out, and see a knife with a poison chamber. Oops, let's see if you stab yourself deep enough for the poison to get into your body.

Roll to dodge poison: 4
Nope, just a scratch. And hey, you have a poison knife.

Also, as you wake up, you see a tree about to crush you.

Roll to dodge a tree: 5

You now know why you woke up. Your body warned you, and prepared you accordingly. Now, whenever something significantly heavier is going to hit you, you're getting +1 to dodging it.


pyrlix: Asks people about location
You roll a: 6

"You're in Forest Frontiers."
"Yeah, I know, but what town? Country? Planet?"
"Huh, I don't know..." And then your conversation partner has realised something "I'm merely a guest generated to spend time in this park. I don't exist outside of it. That's so mind blowing"
And then his head exploded.

Roll to dodge the explosion: 4

You cover your face. That is roughly enough. This explosion was not so strong.


NPC actions:

Siemens-01: Builds a bicycle
You roll a: 5

You assemble an excellent bicycle. It has no power losses, has a rider body scanner, allowing it to determine the optimal pedal rpm, and an ideal CVT. A light shines from the sky, and the bike gets divinely inscribed with "Killrob-anerkannt", whatever that means.
"Perfekt" you say.

Alright, enough of celebration - a tree is coming your way.

Roll to dodge a tree: 3

You'd dodge it easily, but you had to protect the bicycle as well. You get hit by a branch, and lose 4 HP.


The wolf: Runs away with newly obtained food.
You roll a: 3

Now that you've finally got some food, everyone is pursuant to ruin your life. First, a guy throws something at you.

Roll to dodge the maple syrup bottle: 2

Great, now you're glued to the ground. It's so sticky (-1 to movement rolls). Then, a tree falls in your direction

Roll to dodge a tree: 5-1=4

You get an adrenaline rush and get out of the way, despite the stickiness. And then, a humanoid equine comes to take your arm from you. Why won't he hunt for his own food. The bastard.

Roll to dodge strop: 6-1+1=6

Not only he loses grip of the arm, you manage to get a bite on his hand as well.


The hag disappears from the game so far. Saving processing power by not simulating her.


Torchic: Does nothing

Your attempt at doing nothing is commendable. You still have to dodge a tree falling.

Roll to dodge a tree: 5

Not only you dodge the evil tree, but with all your strength, you pull the fellow bird to the safety.


Mitsubishi Galant: Does nothing

Your attempt at doing nothing is commendable. You still have to dodge a tree falling.

Roll to dodge a tree: 6

The tree falls on you. You were stronger. You're a Mitsubishi after all, not a Ford, or a Chevy.


Info about Player Characters, Nonplayer Characters, Locations.
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Post Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:34 am

Re: Roll To Dodge... Redux

*Cough cough cough!*
AGH! *Cough* I- what the hell?! What is in this car...?! *Wheeze* Why can't I breathe? *wheeeeeze*
Ah.. Ah, craaaaaap... *cough cough*
ACTION: Get the hell out of the Ka.
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Post Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:07 am

Re: Roll To Dodge... Redux

"three..... HP..... i'm...... dead......"
ACTION: do one final all out attack before accepting defeat
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Post Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:09 am

Re: Roll To Dodge... Redux

FOOOOOOREEEE... oh... khm... soryy about that... khm... let's move on now

*Singing* I can see clearly now the ra..forest is gone... I can see all obstalces in my... IS THAT A WOLF?!?!? Ohhhh... and some blood... NOT GOOD NOT GOOD...

Action: Shoot the damn wolf between his eyes!
Everyone who believes in telekinesis, raise my hand.


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Post Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:14 am

Re: Roll To Dodge... Redux

OK so that trees gotten in my way of exiting very easily so I guess I could try to communicate with the Nazi's

Action: Communicate with the Nazis to find out whats going on and where we are.


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Post Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:54 am

Re: Roll To Dodge... Redux

Ka's stuck? Damn.

Action: try to move tree of the roof of the car.


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Post Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:14 am

Re: Roll To Dodge... Redux

Now that I'm at the hut, let's see if I can tow the wrecked trailblazer.

ACTION: Attempt to tow the trailblazer using the Mitsubishi.
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Post Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:58 pm

Re: Roll To Dodge... Redux

Trees. Why me? I'm the only guy on my block who actually recycles!
*to Bird-Man and Torchic* Perhaps we should travel together and have Torchic protect us from any hazards, like trees, or cars that are aparently homicidal...
Action: Travels on, with the sudden, inexplicable urge to actually fix something.
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Post Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:59 pm

Re: Roll To Dodge... Redux

*I wake up in the forest, however quite far away from where all the action is taking place.*

"What in the name of Saab... Where the heck am I!?"

*I reach into my pocket and am relieved to find I have the keys for Flapjack with me.*

ACTION: Start walking, and then press the "PANIC" button and listen for my car.
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