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Re: Automation Roll To Dodge

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2015 9:29 am
by EnryGT5
How much will these rats endure?! They won't endure this one. (This is the last straw... if these motherfuckers resist one more minute... Plan GTFO is to be used)
HEY! Dumb purple dicks! *enraged beeping* Your time has ended.

Action: Unleash a crazy 20-hit combo on the purple dicks

Re: Automation Roll To Dodge

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2015 12:32 pm
by cpufreak101
"well great, with nuclear fuel it should last for years, i really should find some landmarks to identify this area by, and perhaps start drafting a crude map, because this really seems like the middle of nowhere"

ACTION: start drafting a map

Re: Automation Roll To Dodge

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2015 5:18 pm
by strop
Argh! Those smarmy know it all... Anyway. One must not talk ill of nurses in a hospital. Though what world is this!? Not ninja, not doctor... It's like... This is some kind of inverse universe!

Anyway. I bet you I'll still be waiting like 5 hours before a doctor finally sees me and tells me I sprained my ankle and all that. But at least I'm in a hospital now! Hospitals have all the good stuff, not just some stupid shirt I can't use. And I need my leg back. A lame horse is a dead horse.

ACTION: Reattempt first aid, except more advanced. (I.e. swipe a bunch of fentanyl vials. Also, look for needles, syringes, an ice bag, a proper splint and bandages. Then administer fentanyl subcutaneously, apply ice, manipulate ankle as necessary, then compress and splint.) Hope I don't pass out from the drugs.

Re: Automation Roll To Dodge

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2015 7:16 pm
by conan
I realized that maybe possessing the cursed ring is not a great idea, so I have to think of how Pyrlix got rid of it in the first place. Okay so I guess I have to give it away somehow.

Action: Try to give the ring to strop.

Re: Automation Roll To Dodge

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2015 8:37 pm
by Madrias
"Wow, I can't believe that worked! Soon as I got my hands in the inside pockets, it's like a glider!" I think to myself as I make my graceful landing. My moment of minor prideful joy is interrupted by a light metallic clunk as my feet touch the ground, suddenly drawing my attention back to the situation. "Well, the Ghost Hitler fell over, someone's still pointing a gun my general direction, which I'm not fond of, and I'm not really seeing any options regarding vehicles to flee in. That, and when I landed, that was one heck of a metallic clunk." I think, before looking at my hands. I'm nearly blinded by the reflection of the sun off of my metal skin. I'm also acutely aware of the minor servo whine and gear buzz, and the fact that somehow I can tell the ambient air temperature is exactly 20 degrees Celsius. "Oh, this is just cruel." I grumble, startling at my flat, robotic monotone.

I weigh my options carefully, despite it taking mere microseconds to choose. "If I follow the road, there's an equal chance for civilization on either side, going either left or right. Civilization means a likely chance I'll find a car. A car means I can travel rapidly between one point and another. Here, my choice for cars is extremely limited, forcing me to choose the car that is either way too small or to take the rust bucket with, if the sound is correct, wooden suspension. Nope, best choice, take the trip on foot. These shoes appear to be hard-wearing walking shoes with many miles to go, and despite the heat, I'm keeping this light jacket on. Proven useful so far."

Action: Walk down the dirt road looking for a car.

(OOC: Yeah, I wanted to play the robot. Was the only thing missing for a good proper Sci-Fi show. Don't worry, I have no further surprises for this thread unless the GM gives me a further wrench I can turn. Also, apologies for the character buildup post.)

Re: Automation Roll To Dodge

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2015 9:19 am
by PhillipM
Well, that didn't go too well, but thankfully that guy got his gun working and saw me struggling, better say thanks to him later. Still it looks like Hitler is seriously stunned, he's barely moving, so, I think I'll have that staff of his after all. Now, playing fair means you don't attack a guy when he's down, but, he was just about to blast me with his staff, and since I missed my chance at Hitlers ball earlier....

ACTION: Retrieve staff from stunned Hitler, kick him in the nuts again, and walk over to say thanks to T16.

Re: Automation Roll To Dodge

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2015 10:30 am
by nerd
Considering I will start suffocating soon, I must call for help as loud as I can.

ACTION: Yell for help as loud as possible.

Re: Automation Roll To Dodge

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2015 1:33 pm
by BeforeLifer
"We meet again... "Beelzebub", hes MY dog and HE will stay with ME!"

Action: Send fluffy to attack Beelzebub, steal weed and bong if possible.

Re: Automation Roll To Dodge

PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2015 12:36 am
by Octan2013
I just woke up on my Starlet EP71, i spent about $25.000 on spending engine parts and 15.200 dollars to restoring it and for handling parts
I'm in the car and the car's off, I see abandoned buildings.. So my car is near abandoned buildings? Last time, i was sleeping on my bed and i woke up here.. Wait... I think i'm familiar to those four buildings
It couldn't be! It's the place where i was racing! Asia Afrika! And those four buildings are malls i often to visit! I turned on the radio and what i heard is strange sound

ACTION : Turn on and drive my Starlet, Try to find my family

Re: Automation Roll To Dodge

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2015 5:20 am
by Spitfire599
"Alright, that worked... Now what?" I begin thinking about the dimension we're in. "Maybe this dimension is nothing like our own, something like a dream, where you're not sleeping? What if we can do things that we can't normally do on Earth? It's worth a shot..."

Action: "I wish I had an Iron Man suit!"

Re: Automation Roll To Dodge

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2015 5:48 am
by Leonardo9613
This is getting boring. These fuckers aren't going anywhere. This is the last try I'll make to kill them, there are already 4 different guys attacking them anyway.

Action: Try to with the help of all others, finish with this swarm.

Re: Automation Roll To Dodge

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2015 10:07 pm
by yurimacs
"So i'm in a World full of Mafia i head on to a Intersection/junction,i realized that this is the first time i have been here
and if i make one Wrong move i would be Dead."
Action:Turn Right by the Apartments,go in the apartments and start looking around

Re: Automation Roll To Dodge

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 5:56 am
by NexxusDrako
I wake upm, seemingly stunned. It takes a few minutes for me to realise I'm not lying in my own bed. I roll around, and weirdly, I'm in hospital next to a horse. I look down, and then I realise I'm not in my human body anymore. I'm in a red-scaled draconid body. The first thought that occurs in my head is "What fucking universe is this, and why am I in Nexxus' body?". I then gain my senses and ask the horse, whose info sheet reads "Stroppy McHorseGuy" what the hell is going on.

ACTION: Ask Strop what the hell is going on.

Re: Automation Roll To Dodge

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 6:06 am
by Pleb
I seemed to have smelled over £1.59 of cannabis IRC joke!. And now it seemed Fluffy was attacking Beelzebub. I threw more cookies from my endless pocket dimension, but to no avail.

I looked at my button - now without a B. "I wonder if this button has any power anymore.." I hoped when this fight was over, I could summon Beelzebub with the button, but that was a far out thought. I decided to flee from the increasingly strange chaos and visit the village's palm reader, to see what she could make of this button.

[b]Action:[/b}Go to the palm reader and see if she knows anything about this button.

Re: Automation Roll To Dodge

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 8:52 am
by T16
Yes! it worked. Hitler appears to be stunned, I guess that will buy us some time at least.. Not entirely sure what I should use that time for though. I better talk to the other guy fighting Hitler and get a better idea what sort of mess I have gotten involved in. It all seems very strange..

Action: Take a quick look around and talk to PhillipM