Post Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:38 am

Lua error. Panel Material

Build: 1323.
SO: Windows 7 64bits.

I think have seen the bug in this thread; Open Beta: Suspension & Dynamics (B1322), or something alike but I had not seen a proper report.

Pic error.

We start a new platform.
Then we choose the chassis components, as usual, and later the body shape that we can change, add fixtures, etc, and finally save it.

Suddenly we notice that is 2014, oh!.
OK, i'll go backward (e.g. till 1978) clicking the arrow and saving the platform again... :?: :!: and then you will get the error if you are not in chassis screen to see that some components have disappeared.

You will have to delete the platform if you want to start playing the game again (sandbox).

I guess you got this one.... but 'by the flies' (just in case, in proper english hehe).
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