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Campaign Suggestions



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Joined: Fri Aug 14, 2015 4:06 pm

Cars: 2006 Ford Ranger XLT 3.0LV6

Post Fri Aug 14, 2015 5:43 pm

Campaign Suggestions

Intro to campaign: Players are presented 3 cars from other players campaigns. Player can either like/dislike the 3 cars presented individually. Via internet connection. During loading. Players choice's afflict other players campaigns success and profits from vehicle creation. This system could also work for engines as well. This system would really inspire and motivate players whom are brand new to automation. Revealing to them the vast variety and endless creativity automation has to offer.

Campaign: Creating a factory based Story/Career Mode. Allowing players to choose from different types of factories. Such as having one universal factory with many different branches: Race Branch/Headquarters < Utility Vehicles < Road Cars. Creating a factory style GUI where players created cars are displayed rotating as if on a showroom floor. Allow players to choose which country factory is based in, affecting the restrictions on the type of cars a player can create and virtually sell to markets. Hire/Fire employees dynamic: President/CEO < Engineers < Designers < Endorsers < Factory Workers < etc.. Each employee has attributes that affect overall quality of the car(s). Develop News Events, maybe do a newspaper article ticker, that broadcast players achievements as achievements are met. Have a faux article about a car and then pull generic picture of car from the players factory(car database) with article. Such as " Today at (insert players factory name here), record sales have been recorded. The company has sold over 1 million of the world's (safest\sportiest\most drive-able; cars) to US domestic market..." Campaign mode should Implement a budget for manufacturers(players), different difficulties greatly affect budget. Campaign mode should also implement evolving world economy through eras of time. Influencing materials and costs as well as emission requirements. I guess in essence leave it up to the player to initially create one supercar that cost $$$ or spread the wealth around and create one sedan for $, one utility vehicle for $, and one cheap sports car for $. pooling profits from different economic factors.

Food for thought developers'. Thank you for reading, -Chris Casavant (aspiring speed-part manufacturer) http://www.rebelsnavy.com


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Naturally Aspirated

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Post Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:43 pm

Re: Campaign Suggestions

1. I like the intro idea 50/50. The fact that we can have a like/dislike gallery while waiting to load is fun and really shows the endless possibilities, but affecting other peoples carrier is bad. I would hate if someone gave me a dislike and screwed my carrier just because we have different taste for the look of the cars.

2. Universal factory... All car factories are universal because they manufacture more than one car (i'm not including the single car companies). The real question is can we have more than 1 factory, because when we start we will sell the cars in the country were the factory is. But selling to other regions means export costs which leads to higher price. So would it possible to make a second factory in a second region, use a checklist style menu to assign which cars are made where and a drag-drop option to state which factory exports to where (while viewing the map, with a factory icon in the region and an arrow when we drag and drop).

3. Rotating SHOWROOM floor is a cool idea. ( Hell i would even love to have a script that rotates the car by 5 degrees takes a pic and then stitches them to a gif) You can set it up and when visiting other players factories/HQ and vice versa you will see the showroom. Like the AutomationHUB showroom, but more interactive and in-game.

4. I don't know about Employees, but the news paper part sound good.

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