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Re: Car Throttle post on electric cars

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 3:02 am
by Dragawn
Ironically I tried to defend IC engines until quite recently. The pace at which batteries develop is quite scary: +10% capacity/ year is the trend as far as I've heard, research to make batteries far lighter is ongoing aswell. Obviously this is going to hit a wall just like transistor doubling did, but still. near 100% efficiency is hard to fight with something that struggles to get 40%, even with biofuels. Even without environmental factors electric cars are most likely going to be objectively better.

Re: Car Throttle post on electric cars

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:48 am
by Killrob
That energy has to be created first somewhere else though. You can have a coal, nuclear, oil powered electric car. Saying it is near 100% energy efficient is a bit misleading. A big issue with electric cars is the low energy density of batteries when compared to petrol/diesel. It is impressive though what advances are made in battery tech, at some point in the not too far future they sure will get to energy density levels that make electric cars more viable.

Re: Car Throttle post on electric cars

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 9:37 am
by Dragawn
Yeah, very true and in Belgium the future isn't too bright green electricity-wise, the nuclear powerplants providing most of the power are on the end of their lifespan, and no new ones have been planned thanks to the environmentalist party, not enough windmills nor solarpanels have been built either, in fact Belgium is 5th worst in EU. If these nuclear powerplants go out without replacements, we'll have to burn gas and coal like maniacs to meet energy demand.
Electricity is cheaper than fuel per travelled distance though, that's why I brought up the efficiency, battery costs not included that is.
In a decade or so the low energy density of batteries won't be the achilles heel it is today, but merely a downside. It would only make sense to put IC engines in vehicles that require long range such as trucks, boats, etc.

Re: Car Throttle post on electric cars

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:26 am
by PottoGadd
Speedemon wrote:I made a post on Car Throttle about electric cars:

5 Reasons Why Electric Cars Should Take Over The Automotive Industry

I want your opinion on this so here is the link:

What do you want to happen to electric cars?

Our profile pictures work well together.

Re: Car Throttle post on electric cars

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:21 am
by Speedemon
PottoGadd wrote:
Speedemon wrote:I made a post on Car Throttle about electric cars:

5 Reasons Why Electric Cars Should Take Over The Automotive Industry

I want your opinion on this so here is the link:

What do you want to happen to electric cars?

Our profile pictures work well together.

They do don't they? But where's hammond?

Re: Car Throttle post on electric cars

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 9:00 pm
by Fazer600
Personally for me , electric car is nonsense and is for automaker to earn money , electric still uses oil , so ya...

Re: Car Throttle post on electric cars

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 9:05 pm
by Vri404
Solar Pannels!?

Re: Car Throttle post on electric cars

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 1:45 am
by nialloftara
Fazer600 wrote:Personally for me , electric car is nonsense and is for automaker to earn money , electric still uses oil , so ya...

The largest source of energy for the power sector is from hydrocarbons yes, however that percent is dropping, something like 18-20% of global power is from some form of renewable source and that number is only getting higher.

Re: Car Throttle post on electric cars

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 6:14 am
by PottoGadd
Speedemon wrote:
PottoGadd wrote:
Speedemon wrote:I made a post on Car Throttle about electric cars:

5 Reasons Why Electric Cars Should Take Over The Automotive Industry

I want your opinion on this so here is the link:

What do you want to happen to electric cars?

Our profile pictures work well together.

They do don't they? But where's hammond?

He might have been killed by the Mexicans?

Re: Car Throttle post on electric cars

PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 5:20 am
by Speedemon
Oh yea