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Open Beta [B150918]



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Post Thu Sep 17, 2015 10:28 pm

Open Beta [B150918]

With the release of the open beta of the next big update there will be plenty of bugs to report.

  • Always give us the version number when you report a bug
  • Paste the lua error message into your post
  • Tell us what steps recreate the problem, if possible
  • If specific cars are the issue, please upload them with your post as well

On the 18th the open beta releases. Check out the latest Little Dev Update for more infos:

I will update this post with changelogs during the open beta.
If you have general feedback, please discuss that here:



Open Beta Release (B150918)

This is the first released version in open beta introducing the main new features:

  • 60 Market Demographics
  • 3 Test-Regions Affecting Markets
  • Rear-Engined Cars
  • V6 Turbos
  • Tons of Fixes & Changes
  • ... plenty of bugs for you to discover and for us to fix.

Have a go with this version and post your findings and comments here and in the linked-above bug posting thread! :)


Open Beta Update 1 (B150921)

The first day of fixing bugs and various issues with the first open beta release was pretty productive and now the biggest apparent issues have been sorted out. No doubt there are plenty more though!

Thanks to all of you who have posted feedback and bug reports, that really helps to get this version closer to release quicker.

If you haven't joined the open beta yet but want to, just go to your Steam Library, right-click Automation, Properties, Betas, opt in to the open beta.

Changelog for B150921
  • Fixed test track 100km/h speed limit bug.
  • Fixed acceleration graph displayed stats.
  • Fixed loading old cars giving them pink-box disease.
  • Fixed AWD acceleration issues.
  • Partial fix to demographics "pins" not set for old-version cars.
  • Pins now show in side-bar demographic fields.
  • Fixed an issue with loading engines into cars.
  • Fixed exception with 1+ pages of fixture variants.
  • Changed 60s Van introduction year to 1958.
  • Fixed Mid-Size 70s Wedge 4-Door inability to morph.
  • Changed 80s Executive introduction year to 1985.
  • Fixed 80s Executive Convertible morphs.
  • Fixed 80s Exec not being tagged as softtop.
  • Fixed 90s Huge Wagon's rear door being too small.
  • Fixed 90s Van having incorrectly assigned materials.
  • Fixed 2010s Swoopy Hatchback's window angle.
  • Fixed 2010s Large Coupe (Convertible) morphs.
  • Fixed 10s Coupe not being tagged as hardtop.
  • Fixed 70s Mini Car having pink boxes but no cargo.

The test track bug was due to a really scared test driver, his brakes were never tested to work beyond 100 km/h, so he didn't dare drive faster than that. :P

Please have a go with the new version and keep those bug reports coming!


Open Beta Update 2 (B150922)

Sorted out a few more things with today's patch, you XP-using folks should have a go and see if it works for you now.

If you haven't joined the open beta yet but want to, just go to your Steam Library, right-click Automation, Properties, Betas, opt in to the open beta.

Changelog for B150922
  • Added tooltip for minimum safety in markets.
  • Fixed the fix for 2+ fixture pages.
  • Fixed issue with old scenario saves causing bugs.
  • Fixed Win XP compatibility issue.
  • Fixed bug in choosing body color before chassis.
  • Fixed two issues in Company Manager selection process.
  • Fixed an issue with fixture placement / selection.
  • Fixed behaviour / lock up of scenario selection tree.
  • Reworded "Economy" to "Efficiency in Engine Manager.

There will be more fixes and polish coming your way soon.


Open Beta Update 3 (B150923)

Today we worked on more general fixes but also implemented some better UI for the economy detailed stats (unfinished) and markets (also unfinished). Yesterday's fix for the Win XP version made the game horribly slow for everyone else, which now is fixed.

If you haven't joined the open beta yet but want to, just go to your Steam Library, right-click Automation, Properties, Betas, opt in to the open beta.

Changelog for B150923
  • Fixed performance issues for non-WinXP versions.
  • Updated detailed stats eco page info (unfinished).
  • Updated market bottom section info (unfinished).
  • Fixed issue with dynamic response stat.
  • Added "Family - Variant" name to "Design" tab.
  • Fixed issue with deleted companies.
  • Fixed g-force display in cornering tests, added "g".
  • Fixed pink boxes for 1955 Pickup.
  • Fixed pink boxes for 1960 Offroader.
  • Fixed pink boxes for 1965 Wagon and 2-door.
  • Changed RR availability for 1955 Minicar.
  • Changed RR availability for 1960 Sedan.
  • Fixed seating options for 1960 Offroader.

There will be more fixes and polish coming your way soon.


Open Beta Update 4 (B150924)

Yesterday's patch wasn't quite complete and some art fixes were missing, these are now added in addition to what things are listed below.

If you haven't joined the open beta yet but want to, just go to your Steam Library, right-click Automation, Properties, Betas, opt in to the open beta.

Changelog for B150924
  • Added km/L option for fuel economy.
  • Better handling of missing mods.
  • Fixed driver assist UI glitch.
  • Fixed "Design" button being stuck.
  • Fixed Economy detailed stats UI.
  • Fixed Utility detailed stats text.
  • Fixed Practicality detailed stats text.
  • Fixed Running Cost detailed stats text.
  • Now includes yesterday's art fixes.

Almost done with a week of bugfixing and polishing, please keep posting what bugs you encounter so that we can fix them before public release.


Open Beta Update 5 (B150925)

The final update for this week, all this is coming together nicely.

If you haven't joined the open beta yet but want to, just go to your Steam Library, right-click Automation, Properties, Betas, opt in to the open beta.

Changelog for B150925
  • Fixed Test Track bottom section UI.
  • Fixed zero Running Costs issue.
  • Added stats to markets bottom section UI.
  • Added warning for deficient cooling.
  • Now too big engine minimizes graphs.
  • Updated car scenario balance.
  • Fixed UI issue with convertibles.
  • Fixed pink boxes for 50s Pickup.
  • Fixed pink boxes for 60s SUV.
  • Fixed pink boxes for 60s Patario bodies.
  • Fixed morphing of 60s Mid-Size Sedan.
  • Fixed pink boxes for 70s Mid-Size Wedge.
  • Fixed morphing for 70s Full-Size Wedge Sedan.
  • Fixed morphing & body boxes for 80s Hatch.
  • Fixed material issue with 80s Exec Convertible.
  • Fixed issue with 10s Swoopy Sedan.
There are not many bugs left on our To-Do list, so if you could have a look over the weekend, specifically for game-braking crashes, etc., that would be awesome.


Open Beta RC1 (B150929)

This is our first release candidate for the big update. If you have any more reproducible issues that potentially are gamebreaking or considerably holding the fun back, post them now! :)

Changelog for B150929
  • Added tooltip to side demographics.
  • Fixed unit PSI for pressure not saving.
  • Now shows warning message when engine too big.
  • Fixed UI bug with fixture "Back" button.
  • Fixed issue with undefined engine bounds.
  • Fixed old engine scenario save 5-valve issue.
  • Fixed UI bug in driver assist selection.
  • Fixed 70s muscle car material definition issue.
If there are no more big bugs that come up, this might be the version for the release. Thanks to all of you who have posted bug reports and feedback.


Open Beta RC2 (B150930)

This is our second release candidate for the big update. If you have any more reproducible issues that potentially are game-breaking or considerably holding the fun back, post them now! :)

Changelog for B150930
  • Fixed issue with loading old corrupt save.
  • Fixed crash when loading car with a deleted engine.
  • Fixed issue with deleting in drop down menu.
  • Fixed "Engine Too Big" issue in Engine Designer.
  • Fixed Test Track issue with zero-drivability cars.
  • Fixed UI issues in market list mode.
  • Fixed issues with 60s Coupe
  • Fixed issues with 60s Sedan
  • Fixed issues with 70s Sedan
There are only very few things left to sort out before public release, which probably will happen tomorrow. Thanks to everyone who helped us polish up this release!




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Post Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:16 pm

Re: Open Beta [B150918]

Build B150707

Underpowered cars are having issues on the test track and sometimes crashing my game.

At the moment this is the only major thing I've noticed. Other bugs I've encountered have already been mentioned by you guys so I'll keep you posted if anything new comes up. Hope this helps! :D


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Post Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:25 pm

Re: Open Beta [B150918]

how do i download? using steam
Company Id:1945270
Galt Motors, excelence since 1945
(PS, Galt automotive is still Galt motors, i use it interchangably)


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Post Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:32 pm

Re: Open Beta [B150918]

Guys... it's not out yet :P



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Post Fri Sep 18, 2015 4:30 pm

Re: Open Beta [B150918]

The single gear test track bug, in the latest Dev Update, is still alive. Atleast on the 2 cars i revised and tested.


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Post Fri Sep 18, 2015 4:31 pm

Re: Open Beta [B150918]

Yes, we know :) we haven't fixed it yet.


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Post Fri Sep 18, 2015 4:43 pm

Re: Open Beta [B150918]

Some of my cars won't load, I get this error:

Lua Error:
tolua++ dbcall failed!: [string "--SANDBOX_DATA\CCarCalculator_Weight.lua..."]:323: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'ProfileCalc' (a nil value)

You can CTRL+C on this to report it.

I've uploaded some of the ones that don't work. Pay no attention to my shoddy designs...they're works in progress, I swear :P I can't figure out what's common between these cars, although not being able to load them does make that hard since I can't remember every detail.

Edit: I changed the LUA files out for zip files generated by the in-game "export" tool, and I also added a screenshot of the car list in sandbox mode - the cars do show all their stats.

o2.FreezePop - Scoundrel.zip
(127.32 KiB) Downloaded 521 times
o2.FreezePop - Iridium.zip
(121.25 KiB) Downloaded 527 times
o2.FreezePop - Beavis.zip
(131.28 KiB) Downloaded 532 times


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Post Fri Sep 18, 2015 5:02 pm

Re: Open Beta [B150918]

RobtheFiend wrote:The single gear test track bug, in the latest Dev Update, is still alive. Atleast on the 2 cars i revised and tested.

Rob, have you already reported this on pivotal? I added a report of this, because I couldn't see it in the list, but if it's already there, I should go back and remove my duplicate entry.


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Post Fri Sep 18, 2015 5:07 pm

Re: Open Beta [B150918]

Nah, it's not on pivotal as it's already on the to do list of important things internally :) so it's all good. You can add it there for completeness sake though if you want.


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Post Fri Sep 18, 2015 7:24 pm

Re: Open Beta [B150918]

Hooray, good to know. I know I wouldn't be the only one who is interested in the test track, but as one whose Automation life centers around track times, this is particularly relevant to my interests!

At least now I'm able to make half decent hypercars without super massive tech slider abuse, the game mechanic is a lot more balanced already!


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Post Fri Sep 18, 2015 8:13 pm

Re: Open Beta [B150918]

FreezePop wrote:Some of my cars won't load, I get this error:

Lua Error:
tolua++ dbcall failed!: [string "--SANDBOX_DATA\CCarCalculator_Weight.lua..."]:323: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'ProfileCalc' (a nil value)

You can CTRL+C on this to report it.

I've uploaded some of the ones that don't work. Pay no attention to my shoddy designs...they're works in progress, I swear :P I can't figure out what's common between these cars, although not being able to load them does make that hard since I can't remember every detail.

Edit: I changed the LUA files out for zip files generated by the in-game "export" tool, and I also added a screenshot of the car list in sandbox mode - the cars do show all their stats.


Hmmph, I really not sure what has happened here. The Model files contain no chassis selections at all. So no Chassis Type, Material, Front & Rear suspension setups etc. Also contain no fixtures. This feels like a relation to save bugs in 150707.With the new conversion I didn't make it backup the previous saves (as it should not need to. It loads the info into a temporary area, does not touch it and saves it back out again). I'm making some changes so it will back up those old files. So if anyone else gets it, I can check the old files and make sure its not related to the original save being broken.
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Post Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:06 am

Re: Open Beta [B150918]

Hello Automation community, I seem to have stumbled across a bug or a crash. The game still works as of 150707, but the beta 150918 will not even start up. When I launch the game an error pops up and the game ceases to continue, I press ok and everything is closed. I have completely deleted the game then re-installed, restarted the computer. Any kind of help is appreciated.
Entrypointerror.jpg (202.19 KiB) Viewed 13593 times



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Post Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:26 am

Re: Open Beta [B150918]

Some of the bugs (B150918).

- The Mid-Size 70s Wedge 4-Door variant wasn't able to deform the body
- The 80s Executive Convertible with plastic trim forms an unusual brokens after I deformed the body (no image, but it really occur)
- The 2010s Large Coupe (Convertible variant) had problems with rear deformation section (front section had no problems).
- Convertible body icon displayed as "missing_SliderTip_ConvertableBody"
- When I change the body color (just selected the body, but not the chassis) it shows this "tolua++ dbcall failed!: [string "--SANDBOX_DATA\CCarCalculator_IO.lua..."]:419: attempt to concatenate field 'UID' (a nil value)
- The front radiator placed a little bit above the front bumper mount in the chassis.

There was no image, but it really occurred.


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Post Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:42 am

Re: Open Beta [B150918]

I received the following error trying to adjust the price of the car I was working on lower, not realizing at the time that I couldn't go lower—time period was 1940. When I reloaded the game and car I was working on I received no more errors.

Lua Error:
Step() failed!: [string "--client\functional\TrimDesignerWindowDemogra..."]:812: attempt to index local 'pin1Position' (a nil value)

You can CTRL+C on this to report it.
Retry Cancel


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Post Sat Sep 19, 2015 7:50 am

Re: Open Beta [B150918]

The time it takes to switch between regions in the markets tab is quite annoying, I understand that the initial calculations probably can't get a lot better, and considering their complexity I'd say it's impressive actually, however there's one big improvement I believe could be done: cache the results of calculations. If I haven't changed anything on the car, switching between regions to see how I compete in different ones could be much much faster!

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