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Weekly Update

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Post Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:55 pm

Weekly Update

Ok, I admit this is a little late, but I still contend that it is Sunday in some parts of the world still....

It has been a busy week for me socially, so I have not got as much done as I would of hoped.

So, Research has changed a lot from last week as daffy had a fantastic idea of how to handle it. So the tool as expected has completely changed, but I don't expect it to change too much in the future.

Programming on loading the research hierarchies into the game is done, and I am working through the networking/gameplay code to complete the most of the research system.

It's quite a cusp of stuff to actually get through, this intertwines with a lot of the game dynamics. As there will be local and global parts market to purchase items from, these markets will also research items at their own rate. Which will allow players to buy part items that are better, cheaper, or in more quantities than the player can manufacture themselves. In fact at the start of the game, all of your parts will come from the parts market.

Anyway, better get back to it.

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Post Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:10 am

Re: Weekly Update

hi zeussy

really looking forward to the release of the game.do you have any scrren shots available?how is the game going to be sold?(download or disc)will it work ok in the uk?im assuming your in the usa.im trying to think of new ideas but im sure you have everything covered.
chris :D


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Post Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:58 pm

Re: Weekly Update


No real screenshots as yet, as we don't have the design/art side of it pinned down very much so far, will start posting some when the UI and graphics are somewhat done.

Actually we are in Australia :P

I think it will most likely be sold via download, so should be fine in the UK.

If you have any ideas of things you'd like to see in the game, let us know and we can have a think about them, you might have a great idea we had never thought of :)
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Post Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:16 am

Re: Weekly Update


i automatically thought you were from the states sorry about that.
just a couple of questions and possible ideas for you both.
will the main game screen by a city (like car tycoon)with the players sold cars shown driving around?
will the game feature full financial solutions like bank loans?(a feature missing on some games of the same nature)

now my ideas.

rather than single production lines making one model of car at a time(like car tycoon)i thought i would be better to have an assembly factory with multiple production lines so you can make 5 different models at the same time.or it could be 2,3,4 or even 10.
i hope the above makes sense.
chris :D


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Post Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:22 pm

Re: Weekly Update

We are yet to work much on the finance side of things, but we will try and impliment as much of that sort of thing as is fun.

The main screen will be a 3d viewport of your factory, with building models like the one we posted a screenshot of, with overlaid UI stuff,

When clicking on a building you will be taken to its interface, with a view in the middle of the inside of the building, and ui spread around the outside.

The idea with production lines is great, so great however that its already exactly how we plan to do it :)

Feel free to keep suggesting stuff, we might not use it, but its always helpful to see if there is anything we have missed!
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Post Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:35 pm

Re: Weekly Update

Oh and once we pin things down a bit more we will make some more posts about how aspects of the game will work :)
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Post Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:35 pm

Re: Weekly Update

I never gave any thought to bank loans, but it is such a pivotal part of car firms I don't know why I missed it, it will definitely be a part of the game.

With the production line idea. Cars are designed currently in 2 parts.

You design a platform, which comprises of chassis, body work, suspension etc.

Then you design a model, based on a platform, where you choose engine, brakes, extras etc.

A production line is locked to platform, with models being built in differing amounts.

One of the main screens will be more than just your factory, more of a plot/facility screen. Which shows your car factory, research lab, market building, headquarters, parts factory, storage areas etc.
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Post Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:32 am

Re: Weekly Update

how difficult would it be to have things like motorshows were car makers can show off the latest models or concepts and use the feedback to improve their cars before launch?also it would help the car maker decide if its worth making a particular car or not depending on the feedback.(everybody may hate the design hence nobody would buy one).
i may be talking way out of tune here as i dont know how challenging any of this would be.haha. :)
will you be able to name the cars?



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Post Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:45 am

Re: Weekly Update

Naming cars, of course you can :) '

Hmmm, the motorshows idea is interesting, we will have a look into it and see how well it works with our current buyer system, if we don't implement it now, its certainly something that could be worth adding later on :)
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Post Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:03 am

Re: Weekly Update

And feel free to just blurt a huge list of ideas at us if you like, we are fairly early in the development at the moment, so its easier to implement stuff right now, all depends on how well your ideas mesh with what we already have as to if we use them, but im sure you'll have some ideas we missed
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