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Community Modpack - All the Mods for Steam! (12.03.2015)



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Posts: 26

Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:30 pm

Post Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:30 pm

Re: Community Modpack - All the Mods for Steam! (12.03.2015)

cpufreak101 wrote:then you may be on a 32 bit machine, in that case when you open the zip open the program files (x86) folder and drop that in your program files folder, if that still doesnt work go into steam, right click on the game in your library, go to properties, find the "browse local content" button and go all the way to the automation folder in the zip, open the automation folder and copy everything from the zip into the window with the game files that shouldve popped up when you hit "browse local content" need any more help let me know.

Tried both ways, still nothing. The files are in the same folder as the game, and the stupid game is basically ignoring they're there. I'll just give up for now and wait until the few new bodies are inevitably added in to the game via an update.


Naturally Aspirated

Posts: 13

Joined: Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:26 am

Post Sat May 09, 2015 7:22 am

Re: Community Modpack - All the Mods for Steam! (12.03.2015)

Having a weird issue. Installing this modpack made it so I could not use a ladder-frame chassis with the small 40's sedan body (the one that looks like a beetle). I did a clean reinstall, and it worked fine, then broke again when I reinstalled this modpack. I'm using the Steam version of Automation with Windows 7. Any idea what could be causing this?

[15:07:53] Lua: Lua Version: "Lua 5.1"
[15:07:53] Lua: LuaJIT 2.0.3
[15:07:53] Lua: Starting initialization process...
[15:07:53] Lua: Game Version: 150409
[15:07:53] Lua: Loading User Settings
[15:07:53] Lua: Loading Player Settings...
[15:07:53] Lua: Player Name is: Developer
[15:07:53] Lua: Loading Display Settings from XML
[15:07:53] Lua: --------------------------------------
[15:07:53] Lua: Display Settings: 
[15:07:53] Lua: Resolution: 1366 x 768
[15:07:53] Lua: Mode: 0
[15:07:53] Lua: SSAO: true
[15:07:53] Lua: FXAA: true
[15:07:53] Lua: Viewport Res: 1
[15:07:53] Lua: --------------------------------------
[15:07:53] Lua: Starting Kee Engine...
[15:07:55] Engine: Engine initialisation complete.
[15:07:55] Engine: Kee Error: File does not exist.
[15:07:55] Engine:
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonUp.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonUpHot.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonUpPressed.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonDown.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonDownHot.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonDownPressed.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/SliderPipVert.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/SliderPipVertHot.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/SliderPipVertPressed.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ComboBoxTitle.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ListboxSurround.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/UI_ListBG.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonDown.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonDownHot.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonDownPressed.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonSmall.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonSmallHot.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonSmallPressed.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonSmallPressedHot.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/trash.dds
[15:07:55] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/copy.dds
[15:07:56] Lua: Initialising Sound Manager
[15:07:56] Lua: Initialising Music Manager
[15:07:56] Lua: Start Theme
[15:07:56] Engine: resizing window: width 1360, height 700
[15:07:56] Engine: Entering particle update thread.
[15:07:56] Lua: Kee Engine Started Successfully
[15:07:56] Lua: Actual Resolution: 
[15:07:56] Lua: Resolution: 1360 x 700
[15:07:56] Lua: Init GUI
[15:07:56] Lua: Add Screen
[15:07:56] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/common/backdrop.dds
[15:07:56] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/fonts/Font_12_en-UK.png
[15:07:56] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/fonts/Font_13_en-UK.png
[15:07:56] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/common/horizontal.dds
[15:07:56] Lua: Creating Load Screen
[15:07:56] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/common/LoadScreen.dds
[15:07:56] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/common/red_leather_strip.dds
[15:07:56] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/fonts/Font_Scaled_en-UK.png
[15:07:56] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures/CalculatingWheel.dds
[15:07:56] Lua: Creating Message Boxes
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/MessageWindow.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TopBar.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/PanelMiddle.dds
[15:07:57] Lua: Creating Timeline
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/RedTimeline.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/RedTimelineHot.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/RedTimelinePressed.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/BlueTimeline.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/BlueTimelineHot.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/BlueTimelinePressed.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ChevronTimeline.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Platform/Morphing.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Platform/Chassis.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Platform/Fixtures.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Platform/Models.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Engine/Family.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Engine/Bottom_End.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Engine/Top_End.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Engine/Aspiration.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Engine/Fuel_System.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Engine/Exhaust.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Engine/Testing.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Trim/Drive_Train.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Trim/Wheels.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Trim/Brakes.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Trim/Aerodynamics.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Trim/Interior.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Trim/Suspension.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Trim/Testing.dds
[15:07:57] Lua: Creating Timeline Manager
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/fonts/Font_11_en-UK.png
[15:07:57] Lua: Creating Top Bar
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/BlackDivider.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/fonts/Font_13_Bold_en-UK.png
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonRight.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonRightHot.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonRightPressed.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonLeft.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonLeftHot.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonLeftPressed.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/PadLock_Small.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Close.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/CloseHot.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ClosePressed.dds
[15:07:57] Lua: Creating Thumbnail Saver
[15:07:57] Lua: Creating Tutorial Window
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/common/SparkleNoiseMap.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/common/checkbox.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ListboxMedium.dds
[15:07:57] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/PadLock.dds
[15:07:57] Lua: Creating Scenario
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ScenarioPanel.dds
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ScenarioSpacer.dds
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Scenario 9 PNG.dds
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/fonts/Font_Scaled_bold_en-UK.png
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/LogosmallPost.dds
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/PlatinumAward.dds
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/TestingPanel.dds
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/common/BlankScenarioPlate.dds
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/common/ScenarioThumbHighlight.dds
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/data/engines/Selection Tutorial.png
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/data/engines/Selection I4.png
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/data/engines/Selection V8.png
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/data/engines/scenGen14.png
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/data/engines/Inline6 S5.png
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/data/cars/CarTutorial3.png
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/data/cars/Scenario 6 PNG.png
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/BronzeAward.dds
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/SilverAward.dds
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/GoldAward.dds
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/PlatinumAward.dds
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Scenario 9 PNG.dds
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ButtonSmallToggle.dds
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ButtonSmallToggleHot.dds
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ButtonSmallTogglePressedHot.dds
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ButtonSmallTogglePressed.dds
[15:07:58] Lua: Create Engine Wizard
[15:07:58] Lua: Init Engine Wizard
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/PanelRight.dds
[15:07:58] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/PanelLeft.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Car -518.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/Value_Background.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ListboxSmall.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ScrollBarSurround.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/fonts/Font_11_Bold_en-UK.png
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/fonts/Font_10_Bold_en-UK.png
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ScrollBarLights.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonUp.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonUpHot.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonUpPressed.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ListboxNarrow.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/PadLock_MoreOpaque.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/AspirationCoverPlate.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/LabelBackdrop.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/Small_Details_Panel.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Tacho.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/GaugeNeedle.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/GaugeNeedleWhite.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/VacGauge.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/OilGaugeWarn.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/PowerGauge240.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/GaugeNeedleBlue.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/StartButton.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Photo.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/PhotoHot.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/EyeClosed.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/EyeOpen.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_BackPlastic.dds
[15:07:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_TurboPiping.dds
[15:08:00] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_FIPiping.dds
[15:08:00] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_IntakeNA.dds
[15:08:00] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_ExhaustNA.dds
[15:08:00] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Divider.dds
[15:08:00] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_ConstantPiping.dds
[15:08:00] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_SeqTurboPiping.dds
[15:08:00] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_TurboOnlyPiping.dds
[15:08:00] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_NoIntercoolerPipe.dds
[15:08:00] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_TwinChargePiping.dds
[15:08:00] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_SuperOnlypiping.dds
[15:08:00] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_SuperPiping.dds
[15:08:00] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Exhaust.dds
[15:08:00] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_FuelSystem.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Headers.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Intercooler.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_SmallTurboComp.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_SmallTurboTurbine.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_SuperCharger.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_TurboTurbine.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_TurboComp.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Head_Exhaust.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Head_Intake.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Valve.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_PistonRPM.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_ConrodRPM.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_CrankTorque.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_CheckEngineLight.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_RPMWarning.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_TorqueWarning.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_TooRich.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Knock.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_ConrodTorque.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_PistonTorque.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Waste Gate Closed.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Waste Gate Open.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/SideStatsBG.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/SideStatsSurround.dds
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/fonts/Font_10_en-UK.png
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/transparent.dds
[15:08:01] Lua: Setup Engine Wizard
[15:08:01] FMOD error 74 - The requested event, bus or vca could not be found.
[15:08:01] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/NoiseMap.bmp
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture BlackRubber
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture Alu_Normal
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture SatinSpec
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture MufflerMetal
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture BlankNormal
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture MufflerSpec
[15:08:03] FMOD error 74 - The requested event, bus or vca could not be found.
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture assets/particles/fire01.tga
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Graph_BG.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/common/pointer_upwards.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture DynoStandTile
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture DynoStandTile_SPEC
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture DynoStandTile_NORMAL
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture Bolt
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture DynoBrake
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture DynoBrake_SPEC
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture DynoBrake_NORMAL
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture BlackPaint
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture DynoConsoleOld
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture DynoConsole_SPEC
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture DynoConsoleOld_NORMAL
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture MetalTilable
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture TilableMetal
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture BrickWall
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture BrickWall_SPEC
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture BrickWall_NORMAL
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture EngineRoomWall
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture Stony_SPEC
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture EngineRoomWall_NORMAL
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ConcreteTile
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ConcreteTile_SPEC
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ConcreteTile_NORMAL
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture RoofIronTilepng
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture RoofIronTilepng_SPEC
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture RoofIronTile_NORMAL
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture RustedGirder
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture RustedGirder_SPEC
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture RustedGirder_NORMAL
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture Blueprint
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture DYNOPOSTER
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture BlankNormal
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ConrodPoster
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture Oildrum
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture Oildrum_NORMAL
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture vent
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture VentSpec
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture Vent_NORMAL
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture Fireexting
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture BlackRubber
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture Red
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture Pallet
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture Pallet_SPEC
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture Pallet_NORMAL
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ProtectSign
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture WornRedMetal
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture WornRedMetal_SPEC
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture WornRedMetal_NORMAL
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture Cabinet
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture CabinetSpec
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture Cabinet_NORMAL
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture DynoDoorOld
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture DynoDoorOld_SPEC
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture NORMAL_DynoDoor
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture LightFixture
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture glass
[15:08:03] Engine: Texture not found: NORMAL_Glass
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/BlankNormal.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/engine ui/StartButtonBlue.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/engine ui/StartButtonBlueHot.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/engine ui/StartButtonBlueOn.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/engine ui/StartButtonBlueOnHot.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/engine ui/StartButtonRed.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/engine ui/StartButtonRedHot.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/engine ui/StartButtonRedOn.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/engine ui/StartButtonRedOnHot.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures/OilGaugeWarn.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/engine ui/OilGauge.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures/KnockLightOff.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/engine ui/KnockLightOn.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/engine ui/PowerGauge120.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures/PowerGauge240.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/engine ui/PowerGauge480.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/engine ui/PowerGauge960.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/engine ui/PowerGauge2400.dds
[15:08:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/engine ui/ThrottleBall.dds
[15:08:03] Lua: Unable to find heading: lblAspirationOptions
[15:08:03] Lua: Create Engine Manager
[15:08:03] Lua: Init Engine Manager
[15:08:03] Lua: Setup Engine Manager
[15:08:03] Lua: Create Car Design Common
[15:08:04] Engine: Kee Error: File does not exist.
[15:08:04] Engine:
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/transparent.tga
[15:08:04] FMOD error 74 - The requested event, bus or vca could not be found.
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/TransparentRed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/TransparentGreen.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture CarDesignDoors
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture CarDesignDoors_SPEC
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture CarDesignDoor_NORMAL
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture CarRoomConcrete
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture MatteSpec
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture CarRoomConcrete_NORMAL
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture Fluro
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture SatinSpec
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture RollerDoor
[15:08:04] Engine: Texture not found: RollerDoor_NORMAL
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture PebbleFloor
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture PebbleFloor_NORMAL
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture Carpet
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture Carpet_NORMAL
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture MetalGripFlooring
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture MetalGripFlooring_NORMAL
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture TilableMetal
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture BlankNormal
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture BlackRubber
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture RedCarPaint
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture GlossSpec
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture CarHoist
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture Clay
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture PalletRackUpright
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture PalletRackUpright_Normal
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture WhitePaint
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture Fireexting
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture CarDesignPoster1
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture PalletRackCrossbar
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture ShockDynoChart
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture DynoConsoleOld
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture DynoConsole_SPEC
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture DynoConsoleOld_NORMAL
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture SwatchBoard
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture SwatchBoard_SPEC
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture SwatchBoard_NORMAL
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture Cabinet
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture CabinetSpec
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture Cabinet_NORMAL
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture WornRedMetal
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture WornRedMetal_SPEC
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture WornRedMetal_NORMAL
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture BluePaint
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture WindowFrame
[15:08:04] FMOD error 74 - The requested event, bus or vca could not be found.
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/Wheels/Base/Textures/TyreRubber.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/Wheels/Base/Textures/WheelAlloy.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/Wheels/Base/Textures/TyreMEDIUM_SIDEWALL_NORMAL.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/Wheels/Base/Textures/Tyremedium_TREAD_NORMAL.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/Wheels/Base/Textures/WheelNut.png
[15:08:04] Lua: Loading Headlights
[15:08:04] Lua: Loading TailLights
[15:08:04] Lua: Loading Grilles
[15:08:04] Lua: Loading Vents
[15:08:04] Lua: Loading DoorHandles
[15:08:04] Lua: Loading Scoops
[15:08:04] Lua: Loading Lips
[15:08:04] Lua: Loading Indicators
[15:08:04] Lua: Loading Wings
[15:08:04] Lua: Loading Exhausts
[15:08:04] Lua: Loading Badges
[15:08:04] Lua: Create Platform Designer
[15:08:04] Lua: Init Platform Designer
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/Ok.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/OkHot.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/OkPressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/Delete.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/DeleteHot.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/DeletePressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/MirrorHorizontal.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/MirrorHorizontalHot.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/MirrorHorizontalPressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/MirrorVertical.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/MirrorVerticalHot.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/MirrorVerticalPressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ScaleAll.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ScaleHor.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ScaleVert.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/Rotate.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/RearEngined.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/RearEngined_Pressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/FrontEngined.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/FrontEngined_Pressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/MidEngined.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/MidEngined_Pressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Sedan.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Sedan_Pressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Wagon.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Wagon_Pressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Hatch.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Hatch_Pressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Coupe.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Coupe_Pressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/SUV.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/SUV_Pressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/UTE.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/UTE_Pressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/MPV.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/MPV_Pressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Van.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Van_Pressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/WheelbaseVeryLong.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/WheelbaseVeryLong_Pressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/WheelbaseLong.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/WheelbaseLong_Pressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/WheelbaseMed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/WheelbaseMed_Pressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/WheelBaseShort.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/WheelBaseShort_Pressed.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/PadLock_Red.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/LogosmallPost.dds
[15:08:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/CoverPlateScrollBar.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/Small_Details_Panel_5Row.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/x2.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/x2Hot.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/x2Pressed.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/QuestionMarkButton.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/QuestionMarkButtonHot.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/QuestionMarkButtonPressed.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/CarViewButtonFront.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/CarViewButtonSide.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/CarViewButtonRear.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/CarViewButton3qtr.dds
[15:08:05] Lua: Setup Platform Designer
[15:08:05] Lua: CPlatformDesigner:Setup Setting Fresnal Settings
[15:08:05] Lua: CPlatformDesigner:Setup Setting Up Tabs
[15:08:05] Lua: Setting Up Image Selections
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/common/SelectedImage.dds
[15:08:05] Lua: Setting Music Year: 1940
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/HeadLights//headlight01/thumb1.png
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/HeadLights//KubbyHeadlight04/thumb1.png
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/HeadLights//headlight02/thumb1.png
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/HeadLights//KubbyHeadlight02/thumb1.png
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/HeadLights//Headlight08/thumb1.png
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/HeadLights//headlight11/thumb1.png
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/HeadLights//KubbyHeadlight01/thumb1.png
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/HeadLights//Headlight04/thumb1.png
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/HeadLights//Headlight12/thumb1.png
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/HeadLights//headlight07/thumb1.png
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/HeadLights//Headlightblacktrim02/thumb1.png
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/HeadLights//Headlight09/thumb1.png
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/HeadLights//headlight06/thumb1.png
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/HeadLights//KubbyHeadlight03/thumb1.png
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/HeadLights//Headlight03/thumb1.png
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/HeadLights//headlightblacktrim01/thumb1.png
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/HeadLights//Headlight05/thumb1.png
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/HeadLights//Headlight10/thumb1.png
[15:08:05] Lua: CPlatformDesigner:Setup Populating Parts
[15:08:05] Lua: CPlatformDesigner:Setup Creating Gizmo
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ScaleVert.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ScaleVertHot.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ScaleVertPressed.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ScaleAll.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ScaleAllHot.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ScaleAllPressed.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ScaleHor.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ScaleHorHot.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ScaleHorPressed.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Rotate.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/RotateHot.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/RotatePressed.dds
[15:08:05] Lua: CPlatformDesigner:Setup Creating PNG Screenshot Parser
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ColourWheel.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ColourSpot.dds
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ColourWheelUI.dds
[15:08:05] Lua: Create Model Designer
[15:08:05] Lua: Init Model Designer
[15:08:05] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDriveBottom.dds
[15:08:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/automationtrack2.dds
[15:08:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/airfield.dds
[15:08:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/DetailedStatsBG.dds
[15:08:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/CarIcon.dds
[15:08:07] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/LiveDataBG.dds
[15:08:07] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/KPHGauge480.dds
[15:08:07] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/G_Pip.dds
[15:08:07] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/SilverBar.dds
[15:08:07] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/SilverBarVert.dds
[15:08:07] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/DetailedStatsMainValueSurround.dds
[15:08:07] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TabTop.dds
[15:08:07] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TabTopHot.dds
[15:08:07] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TabTopPressed.dds
[15:08:07] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/CalculatingWheel.dds
[15:08:07] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/Value_Background_Wide.dds
[15:08:07] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Rear.dds
[15:08:07] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Front.dds
[15:08:07] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ScrollBarLightsRedBlue.dds
[15:08:07] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ChromeBar_Vertical.dds
[15:08:07] Lua: Setup Model Designer
[15:08:07] FMOD error 74 - The requested event, bus or vca could not be found.
[15:08:07] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/WheelBluePrint.dds
[15:08:07] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/DetailedStatsMainValueSurround_LIT.dds
[15:08:07] Lua: ResetUI Model Designer
[15:08:07] Lua: Create Track List
[15:08:07] Lua: Init Track List
[15:08:07] Lua: Setup Track List
[15:08:07] Lua: Create Car Manager
[15:08:07] Lua: Init Car Manager
[15:08:07] Lua: Setup Car Manager
[15:08:08] Lua: Create Options
[15:08:08] Lua: Init Options
[15:08:08] Lua: Propagate Settings Options
[15:08:08] Lua: Setup Options
[15:08:08] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ChromeBar.dds
[15:08:08] Lua: Free Loading Images
[15:08:08] Lua: Create MenuBar
[15:08:08] Lua: Init MenuBar
[15:08:08] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ScenarioButton.dds
[15:08:08] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ScenarioButtonHot.dds
[15:08:08] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/SandBoxButton.dds
[15:08:09] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/SandBoxButtonHot.dds
[15:08:09] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/AutomationLogoHeader.dds
[15:08:09] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/CampaignButton.dds
[15:08:09] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/MultiButton.dds
[15:08:09] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/MultiButtonHot.dds
[15:08:09] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/DevBanner.dds
[15:08:09] Lua: Setup MenuBar
[15:08:10] Engine: Texture not found: RollerDoor_NORMAL
[15:08:10] Lua: Initialization Finished
[15:08:10] Lua: Loop!
[15:08:10] Lua: Loop!
[15:08:20] Lua: Setting Music Year: 2015
[15:08:20] Lua: Music Task Added: MODE, CAR
[15:08:20] Lua: Setting Music Year: 2015
[15:08:20] Lua: Can't get the valve count, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:20] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:20] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:20] Lua: Can't get the fuelSystem, if we don't have the fuel system type set
[15:08:20] Lua: Can't get the fuel system config, if we don't have a block set
[15:08:20] Lua: Can't get the aspiration parts, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:20] Lua: Can't get the aspiration options, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:20] Lua: Setting Music Year: 2015
[15:08:20] Lua: Setting Music Year: 2015
[15:08:22] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80BusSWB Has no tags!
[15:08:22] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//60sExotic Has no tags!
[15:08:22] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00XtraLargeHatch Has no tags!
[15:08:22] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80WagonPartario Has no tags!
[15:08:22] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00LargerHatch Has no tags!
[15:08:22] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//00DriftvanSWBLarge Has no tags!
[15:08:22] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//90Hatch4 Has no tags!
[15:08:22] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//80Bus Has no tags!
[15:08:22] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//80HatchPyrlix Has no tags!
[15:08:22] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeTinyBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:22] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//40Sedan Has no tags!
[15:08:22] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00Hatch Has no tags!
[15:08:22] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//70CoupeLargeBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:22] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:22] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//10SUVLarge/Main.jpg
[15:08:22] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//10SwoopySedan/Main.jpg
[15:08:22] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//10CoupeLarge/Main.jpg
[15:08:22] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//10SedanLarge/Main.jpg
[15:08:22] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//10SedanSmall/Main.jpg
[15:08:22] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//10sSupercar01Small/Main.jpg
[15:08:22] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//10SUVLarge/Main.jpg
[15:08:22] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//10SwoopySedan/Main.jpg
[15:08:22] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//10CoupeLarge/Main.jpg
[15:08:22] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//10SedanLarge/Main.jpg
[15:08:22] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//10SedanSmall/Main.jpg
[15:08:22] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//10sSupercar01Small/Main.jpg
[15:08:22] Lua: Music Task Added: FADEOUT, THEME
[15:08:22] Lua: Music Task Added: FADEOUT, AMBIENCE_MENU
[15:08:22] Lua: Music Task Added: FADEOUT, AMBIENCE_TRACK
[15:08:22] Lua: Music Task Added: PLAY, AMBIENCE_CAR
[15:08:22] Lua: Music Task Added: FADEIN, AMBIENCE_CAR
[15:08:22] Lua: Music Task Added: FADEOUT, AMBIENCE_ENGINE
[15:08:23] Lua: Setting Music Year: 2005
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80BusSWB Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//60sExotic Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00XtraLargeHatch Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80WagonPartario Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00LargerHatch Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//00DriftvanSWBLarge Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//90Hatch4 Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//80Bus Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//80HatchPyrlix Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeTinyBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//40Sedan Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00Hatch Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//70CoupeLargeBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//10sSupercar01/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//00Sedan2/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//00Hatch2/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Lua: Setting Music Year: 2005
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the valve count, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the fuelSystem, if we don't have the fuel system type set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the fuel system config, if we don't have a block set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the aspiration parts, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the aspiration options, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:23] Lua: Setting Music Year: 1995
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80BusSWB Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//60sExotic Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00XtraLargeHatch Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80WagonPartario Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00LargerHatch Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//00DriftvanSWBLarge Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//90Hatch4 Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//80Bus Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//80HatchPyrlix Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeTinyBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//40Sedan Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00Hatch Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//70CoupeLargeBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00XtraLargeHatch/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//00Sedan/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//00SedanHuge/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//00DriftvanSWBLarge/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00LargerHatch/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Lua: Setting Music Year: 1995
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the valve count, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the fuelSystem, if we don't have the fuel system type set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the fuel system config, if we don't have a block set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the aspiration parts, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the aspiration options, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:23] Lua: Setting Music Year: 1985
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80BusSWB Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//60sExotic Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00XtraLargeHatch Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80WagonPartario Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00LargerHatch Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//00DriftvanSWBLarge Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//90Hatch4 Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//80Bus Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//80HatchPyrlix Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeTinyBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//40Sedan Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00Hatch Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//70CoupeLargeBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//80Minitruck/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//90Hatch3/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//90Coupe/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//90TPURoadster/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//90Hatch/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//80sLMP/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Lua: Setting Music Year: 1985
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the valve count, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the fuelSystem, if we don't have the fuel system type set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the fuel system config, if we don't have a block set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the aspiration parts, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the aspiration options, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:23] Lua: Setting Music Year: 1975
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80BusSWB Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//60sExotic Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00XtraLargeHatch Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80WagonPartario Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00LargerHatch Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//00DriftvanSWBLarge Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//90Hatch4 Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//80Bus Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//80HatchPyrlix Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeTinyBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//40Sedan Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00Hatch Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//70CoupeLargeBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//80Coupe/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80WagonPartario/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//80HatchPyrlix/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80sAmericanMidsize/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//80Hatch/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//80FastbackHatch/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Lua: Setting Music Year: 1975
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the valve count, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the fuelSystem, if we don't have the fuel system type set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the fuel system config, if we don't have a block set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the aspiration parts, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the aspiration options, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:23] Lua: Setting Music Year: 1965
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80BusSWB Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//60sExotic Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00XtraLargeHatch Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80WagonPartario Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00LargerHatch Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//00DriftvanSWBLarge Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//90Hatch4 Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//80Bus Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//80HatchPyrlix Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeTinyBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//40Sedan Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00Hatch Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//70CoupeLargeBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeTiny/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//70CoupeLarge02/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//60sExotic/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//60Coupe02/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//50SedanLarge/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//60MiniRoadster/Main.jpg
[15:08:23] Lua: Setting Music Year: 1965
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the valve count, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the fuelSystem, if we don't have the fuel system type set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the fuel system config, if we don't have a block set
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the aspiration parts, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:23] Lua: Can't get the aspiration options, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:23] Lua: Setting Music Year: 1955
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80BusSWB Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//60sExotic Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00XtraLargeHatch Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80WagonPartario Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00LargerHatch Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//00DriftvanSWBLarge Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//90Hatch4 Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//80Bus Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//80HatchPyrlix Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeTinyBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//40Sedan Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00Hatch Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//70CoupeLargeBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//60sSedan02/Main.jpg
[15:08:24] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//60Sedan/Main.jpg
[15:08:24] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//60sCoupe/Main.jpg
[15:08:24] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//50SedanHuge/Main.jpg
[15:08:24] Lua: Setting Music Year: 1955
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the valve count, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the fuelSystem, if we don't have the fuel system type set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the fuel system config, if we don't have a block set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the aspiration parts, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the aspiration options, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:24] Lua: Setting Music Year: 1945
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80BusSWB Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//60sExotic Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00XtraLargeHatch Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80WagonPartario Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00LargerHatch Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//00DriftvanSWBLarge Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//90Hatch4 Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//80Bus Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//80HatchPyrlix Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeTinyBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//40Sedan Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00Hatch Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//70CoupeLargeBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//40Sedan/Main.jpg
[15:08:24] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//40SedanLarge/Main.jpg
[15:08:24] Lua: Setting Music Year: 1945
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the valve count, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the fuelSystem, if we don't have the fuel system type set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the fuel system config, if we don't have a block set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the aspiration parts, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the aspiration options, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:24] Lua: Setting Music Year: 1940
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80BusSWB Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//60sExotic Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00XtraLargeHatch Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//80WagonPartario Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00LargerHatch Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//00DriftvanSWBLarge Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//90Hatch4 Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Large//80Bus Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//80HatchPyrlix Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeTinyBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//40Sedan Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//00Hatch Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Large//70CoupeLargeBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: ./assets/meshes/cars/Front\Small//70CoupeBlack Has no tags!
[15:08:24] Lua: Setting Music Year: 1940
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the valve count, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the fuelSystem, if we don't have the fuel system type set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the fuel system config, if we don't have a block set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the aspiration parts, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the aspiration options, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:24] Lua: Setting Music Year: 1940
[15:08:24] Lua: Setting Music Year: 1940
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the valve count, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get VVT parts, if we don't have a head set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the fuelSystem, if we don't have the fuel system type set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the fuel system config, if we don't have a block set
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the aspiration parts, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:24] Lua: Can't get the aspiration options, if we don't have the aspiration type yet
[15:08:25] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/cars/Mid\Small//40Sedan/40sSedan01_4dr_Thumb.jpg
[15:08:26] Engine: Texture not found: Seams.dds
[15:08:26] Engine: Texture not found: Seams.dds
[15:08:26] Engine: Texture not found: Seams.dds
[15:08:26] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/sharedtextures/BlackRubber.dds
[15:08:26] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/meshes/carparts/sharedtextures/MatteSpec.dds
[15:08:26] Engine: Texture not found: Seams.dds
[15:08:26] Engine: Texture not found: Seams.dds
[15:08:26] Engine: Texture not found: Seams.dds
[15:08:26] Engine: Texture not found: Seams.dds
[15:08:26] Engine: Texture not found: Seams.dds
[15:08:26] Engine: Texture not found: Seams.dds
[15:08:26] Lua: Loaded Body: 40Sedan body
[15:08:30] Lua: Music Task Added: MODE, MENU
[15:08:30] Lua: Music Task Added: FADEOUT, MUSIC
[15:08:31] Lua: Music Task Added: PLAY, AMBIENCE_MENU
[15:08:31] Lua: Music Task Added: FADEIN, AMBIENCE_MENU
[15:08:31] Lua: Music Task Added: FADEOUT, AMBIENCE_ENGINE
[15:08:31] Lua: Music Task Added: FADEOUT, AMBIENCE_CAR
[15:08:31] Lua: Music Task Added: FADEOUT, AMBIENCE_TRACK
[15:08:32] Engine: Exiting particle update thread.
[15:08:32] Lua: End


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Post Sat May 09, 2015 9:37 am

Re: Community Modpack - All the Mods for Steam! (12.03.2015)

You need to delete all mid engines cars, that are based on the same front engine car.
After Steam update, there is a conflict between different engine placement in the same body.
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Naturally Aspirated

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Post Sat May 09, 2015 9:52 am

Re: Community Modpack - All the Mods for Steam! (12.03.2015)

That did the trick. Thanks!


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Post Mon May 11, 2015 9:52 am

Re: Community Modpack - All the Mods for Steam! (12.03.2015)

I'm not having any luck with the mod packs. I'm putting the folders into SteamApps> Common> Automation.

Is this correct?



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Post Mon May 11, 2015 2:20 pm

Re: Community Modpack - All the Mods for Steam! (12.03.2015)

I Love This! :D


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Post Tue May 12, 2015 11:18 am

Re: Community Modpack - All the Mods for Steam! (12.03.2015)

UlyG wrote:I'm not having any luck with the mod packs. I'm putting the folders into SteamApps> Common> Automation.

Is this correct?

Any chance of any help with this, ladies and gents?


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Post Tue May 12, 2015 12:41 pm

Re: Community Modpack - All the Mods for Steam! (12.03.2015)

UlyG wrote:
UlyG wrote:I'm not having any luck with the mod packs. I'm putting the folders into SteamApps> Common> Automation.

Is this correct?

Any chance of any help with this, ladies and gents?

no, you go straight to your c drive and copy/paste it there, unless your on a 32 bit version of windows then in the zip you open program files (x86) and on your c drive open program files then copy/paste from the zip
Company Id:1945270
Galt Motors, excelence since 1945
(PS, Galt automotive is still Galt motors, i use it interchangably)


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Post Tue May 12, 2015 9:28 pm

Re: Community Modpack - All the Mods for Steam! (12.03.2015)

cpufreak101 wrote:
UlyG wrote:
UlyG wrote:I'm not having any luck with the mod packs. I'm putting the folders into SteamApps> Common> Automation.

Is this correct?

Any chance of any help with this, ladies and gents?

no, you go straight to your c drive and copy/paste it there, unless your on a 32 bit version of windows then in the zip you open program files (x86) and on your c drive open program files then copy/paste from the zip

Thanks, that did the trick. I was making it more complicated than it needed to be :roll:


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Naturally Aspirated

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Post Sun May 17, 2015 10:22 pm

Re: Community Modpack - All the Mods for Steam! (12.03.2015)

Where is the new mod pack ???? 2 months passed


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Post Tue May 19, 2015 6:12 am

Re: Community Modpack - All the Mods for Steam! (12.03.2015)

Jakgoe is working on it from what i heard.

I personally hope it will only contain the high quality stuff from the 3D Artist Forum to get the greatest Mod Pack ever :D
<Killrob> you commited a lot of crimes... among others against: 1) international minimum intelligence laws 2) human rights to a brain 3) act against devolution of the human mind


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Post Fri May 22, 2015 2:07 pm

Re: Community Modpack - All the Mods for Steam! (12.03.2015)

Making a zip file is like really hard. :?


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Post Sat May 23, 2015 1:10 pm

Re: Community Modpack - All the Mods for Steam! (12.03.2015)

bowserchomp wrote:Making a zip file is like really hard. :?

Haha, it's not that hard to make the zip file, but it is quite a process to find the best mods, and only the best ones.
World #1 Ranked Automation Player!

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Post Sat May 23, 2015 10:10 pm

Re: Community Modpack - All the Mods for Steam! (12.03.2015)

Patience is a virtue, if you can't wait, do it yourself. Jakgoe is taking time to single out the best mods from the vast array of mods on the forum. Give him time.


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Post Sun May 24, 2015 8:58 pm

Re: Community Modpack - All the Mods for Steam! (12.03.2015)

Pleb wrote:Patience is a virtue, if you can't wait, do it yourself. Jakgoe is taking time to single out the best mods from the vast array of mods on the forum. Give him time.

i have alot of time on my hands, although my PC loves to throw tantrums and even if i negotiated with my pc to test out the mods and pick out just the best nobody would probably trust me lol
Company Id:1945270
Galt Motors, excelence since 1945
(PS, Galt automotive is still Galt motors, i use it interchangably)

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