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Modding Tutorial 1 - Making Grilles



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Post Thu Dec 24, 2015 11:03 am

Re: Modding Tutorial 1 - Making Grilles

You can't get a new licence for it from Autodesk (only the 30-day trial), so they took it off their main site. You can still download it here:
http://autodesk.creativevirtual15.com/a ... nt%20Desk#

Just go into download links, then 3ds Max, and then to 2013 32-bit at the bottom (if it doesn't let you scroll at that part, just use the tab key until the right link is selected).
Car showcase thread: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=8227
Mods thread: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=8552



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Post Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:14 am

Re: Modding Tutorial 1 - Making Grilles

although it's somewhat dead i hope i can still get some help here.
i'm totally new to modelling, as in first time in my life, first tried to learn the basics 3-4weeks ago. so i'm pretty much blind.
SOOOO much confusion and question.

so far
on 7:10, what are you fusing and welding to? is it to the plane?

9:55 i just realised, have you been doing it standing? and not viewed from top?
since i need to pull the Z axis instead of the Y axis. is this a problem or can i just rotate it when i'm finished?

and how the hell does this seemingly fine spline

turn into these

and how do i fix it?

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