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Dessau Autobahn / 10km Land Speed Record Section



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Naturally Aspirated

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Post Fri Feb 05, 2016 4:00 am

Dessau Autobahn / 10km Land Speed Record Section

Dessau Autobahn - Rekordversuchsstrecke

This is the 10km track as it was used in 1939 by Rudolf Caracciola / Mercedes Benz. Some very nice photos in this article: http://www.auto-motor-und-sport.de/fahr ... 29353.html

"Rudolf Caracciola's record of 432.7 km/h (268 mph) over the flying kilometre on 28 January 1938, still remains the fastest ever officially timed speed on a public road as of 2015" [wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes- ... ekordwagen] [this was actually on Frankfurt Darmstadt in '38, but the records of '39 were conducted in Dessau]

"Bereits einen Tag zuvor fuhr Caracciola, mit 480 Pferdestärken unter der Motorhaube, aus dem Stand eine Meile mit 204,6 und einen Kilometer mit 177,4 Stundenkilometern. Der neue Rekord in der so genannten D-Klasse bis 3 Liter ließ die Autobahn zwischen Dessau und Bitterfeld in die Automobilgeschichte eingehen." [ http://www.weissandt-goelzau.de/spurens ... t/rekorde- im-geschwindigkeitsrausch.html ]

Right now it is just a ridiculously long piece of Autobahn. The section was puposely built for record attempts in the 1930 and records were attempted during the statistically coldest days of the year, between and 22 and 29th of January. You can still drive there yourself when you go the A9 from Leipzig to Berlin, and it has always been one of my favorite pieces of Autobahn, because of the nice steel bridges and the sensation of speed.

The track was however deemed unsuitable for the land speed record by Caracciola and Mercedes ("still too short"). An attempt at 600km/h with a 3000 hp, 3 axle car built by Ferdinand Porsche was planned to take place in Bonneville in the next year, but never took place because of the war.

v21.jpg (45.19 KiB) Viewed 12367 times

V2.1 Slightly altered background, times etc identical to 2.0. Version 2.0 or 2.1 should be used in squidheads competition, because it gives the most precise values.
Dessau Rekordstrecke.zip
(1.24 MiB) Downloaded 1021 times

v30.png (433.39 KiB) Viewed 12367 times

V3.0 For a preview of Version 3.0 go here: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=9307&p=97672#p97672 Version 3.0 is NOT to be used in squidheads competition, because I am still working on it!

The straight section is 10,000m long, and absolutely straight and level. (in Google Earth I could never find an exact 10,000m straight section but slightly less)

It can be used to stop five categories of land speed records

Absolute Record = Maximum Speed (trivial)

Standing Mile at Split1 = Sector 1 Time
Standing 5km at Split2 = Sector 1 + Sector 2 Time
Flying 5km = Sector 3 Time
Standing 10 km = Total Time

Flying kilometer / Mile could be estimated by dividing the Sector 3 by 5 (because the car will probably reach top speed by then) but thats not very accurate because the car may be still accelerating.

Mercedes Benz T80

Mercedes Benz T80 aka "Porsche Rekordwagen" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-Benz_T80

"The body of the vehicle is formed like a very basic diffuser thus using the Bernulli principle in order to create downforce and improve stability and traction at high speeds. This, by the way might be one of the very first uses of the Ground Effect, decades before it appeared on the BRM and Chparral Formula One racers of the 60s." [ wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes- ... ekordwagen ]

"Another great innovation of that design/patent of Mickl was the integration of an inverted wing which was responsible for the creation of downforce, thus increasing the stability of the vehicle. Most of the people believe that the use of wings to create downforce on vehicles is an idea of the 60s pioneered by Colin Chapman and his Lotus 49 racer. However, the truth is that the German rocket powered rail-racer of the late 20’s Opel-RAK.3 was the earliest example of a vehicle equipped with wings creating downforce. (You can also see Jalopnik’s article “Spoiler Alert: A history of Downforce). This vehicle however did not use inverted wings but rather normal wings that were pitched to negative angle of attack such that they would generate "negative lift"." [ wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes- ... ekordwagen ]

"The massive 44.5 litre Daimler-Benz DB 603 inverted V12 was selected to power the record-setting car. The engine was an increased displacement derivative of the famous DB-601 aircraft engine that powered the Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighter in production at the time, with the DB 603 ending up as the largest displacement inverted V12 aviation engine in production for Germany during the World War II years. The DB-603 fitted was just the third prototype (V3) engine of this variant and tuned up to 3,000 hp (2,200 kW), roughly twice the power of the Bf 109 or the Supermarine Spitfire. The engine ran on a special mixture of methyl alcohol (63%), benzene (16%), ethanol (12%), acetone (4.4%), nitrobenzene (2.2%), avgas (2%), and ether (0.4%) with MW (methanol-water) injection for charge cooling and as an anti-detonant." [ wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-Benz_T80 ]
Last edited by BurningBridges on Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:55 pm, edited 15 times in total.


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Post Fri Feb 05, 2016 9:47 am

Re: Dessau Autobahn / 10km Land Speed Record Section

The first version of Dessau was of course rubbish because it could not be used for any real land speed record attempts.

I have now updated to version 2. This one is now good for records.
Splits are now exactly at 1mile (1609,344 meter) and 5 kilometer. So you can measure: standing 1 mile, standing 5km, flying 5km and standing 10km.

Record Calculation

Attached is an Excel file that you can use to calculate the results (average speeds for standing 1 mile, standing 5km, flying 5km and standing 10km)

Dessau - Land Speed Record.zip
(97.75 KiB) Downloaded 630 times

Dessau Land Speed Records.jpg
Dessau Land Speed Records.jpg (155.86 KiB) Viewed 12464 times


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Post Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:09 am

Re: Dessau Autobahn / 10km Land Speed Record Section

I have some ideas for another version that simulates 5km and 10km flying times and two really long approaches, either from South or from North.

The idea is to show a bit more of the real size of the track ..

Does anyone happen to know if the cars started from the South or the North? I simply presumed that they would start from the direction towards Berlin (North), but then it dawned on me that none of the photos showed any forest, and may just as well have come from the South.
Last edited by BurningBridges on Sun Feb 07, 2016 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Sun Feb 07, 2016 9:49 am

Re: Dessau Autobahn / 10km Land Speed Record Section

Also, from your experience would you want a shorter or longer acceleration for the "long" version? Right now it's exactly 5000m.

With any acceleration longer than 5km the flying 5km can get stupidly close to the cars Vmax, and once they become equal we would no longer need a track for the competion :) So I think I'll make it a bit shorter still, but how much exactly? Something in the range of 4000 - 5000m? Or 3 miles = 4828m?

Here is a preview of what I'm doing, but it's not nearly finished. I hope to have the final version ready when the competition is over.

dessau_30_preview.jpg (40.67 KiB) Viewed 12399 times


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Post Sun Feb 07, 2016 11:19 am

Re: Dessau Autobahn / 10km Land Speed Record Section

I'd like to see only 1 km measured as flying. Also found out that Bonneville is 12 miles long with 1 mile in the center to measure. Meaning about 5.5 miles of runway before you enter your measured mile.


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Post Sun Feb 07, 2016 12:43 pm

Re: Dessau Autobahn / 10km Land Speed Record Section

Hm. that's possible. But 5.5 miles? What if the cars have already reached vmax at that point? In that case you might just jot it down from the car data, without a test track.

Also, flying km is already in the car data :D


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Post Sun Feb 07, 2016 9:40 pm

Re: Dessau Autobahn / 10km Land Speed Record Section

That's the standing kilometer, not flying. Also "if your car reaches vmax before the measured mile, then you are making sure it won't go faster on that measured mile".


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Post Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:39 pm

Re: Dessau Autobahn / 10km Land Speed Record Section

squidhead wrote:That's the standing kilometer, not flying.

Yes, my bad

squidhead wrote:Also "if your car reaches vmax before the measured mile, then you are making sure it won't go faster on that measured mile".

Perhaps there is a misunderstanding. My cars reach vmax somewhere after the 5000m mark. My 5km average is altready within 0.75 km/h of my maximum speed, and if I make the runway longer the whole track becomes pointless.


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Post Sun Feb 07, 2016 11:01 pm

Re: Dessau Autobahn / 10km Land Speed Record Section

track.png (433.39 KiB) Viewed 12369 times

Also, here is a preview version of the long version (3.0)

This is not to be used in squidheads competition!

Dessau Rekordabschnitt.zip
(1.81 MiB) Downloaded 648 times

I have made it 13.000m because after the U-turn trackedit does not match up with the game, so the planned 36km layout became too problematic.

Runway is ca 3 miles / 4800 m (slightly shortened in comparison to 2.0, which means it is a bit harder to accelerate to top speed before the timed section)

Timing begins at Split 1.

Split 2 is Split 1 + 5km. The time for flying 5 km is therefore Sector 2

Finish is Split 1 + 5 mile. The time for flying 5 miles is therefore Sector 2 + Sector 3

Measurement for flying 5km was within a few 2/100s of the other version, difference must be due to shortened runway because otherwise distances are exactly the same.


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Post Fri Feb 12, 2016 10:04 pm

Re: Dessau Autobahn / 10km Land Speed Record Section

Here another sneak preview at extended Dessau

Clipboard01.jpg (84.52 KiB) Viewed 12221 times

(provided that I get this to work) the track would be shaped like a hockey stick, with two 9.5 km straights and a mickey mouse section on the bottom left, which imitates the 1950s racetrack (including banked corner).
The idea is of course to have a high speed test track combined with a technical section so you still need brakes and cornering. In addition to the fast corners in the mickey mouse sector there would be a super slow 180deg U-turn so the track includes at least 1 very slow corner (if this is not enough, a chicane could be added)

My plan is that it would be possible to run the fastest races in the world and also LSR attempts on the same track, on a layout that is not just a straight line. Track length is ca 30km.


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Post Thu Feb 18, 2016 11:10 pm

Re: Dessau Autobahn / 10km Land Speed Record Section

The round course is currently on hold. I made a try but just cannot get the two straights to line up after the U-turn.

My guess is that internal rounding in Automation is unpredictable. I guess it can still be made to work by trial and error but currently I am not in the right mood for this.

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