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fatal error while loding




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Joined: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:19 am

Post Mon Oct 19, 2015 3:04 am

fatal error while loding

3just purchased a new computer and I installed the automation and the steam files, but each time I try to launch the game this message pops up

"goggles, they do nuthin!
a fatal error while loading init.lua:[strin "--client\functional\enginewizard_mesh.lua...]:20: attempt to index field(dynobase) (a nil value)

the same thing happened with my old computer but I thought that was because its old and have not been updated.
this has been recurring for weeks and it is really frustrating,
I would really appreciate support from automation team.
thanks in advance,

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Post Mon Oct 19, 2015 4:46 pm

Re: fatal error while loding

Hey there!

Sorry to hear you are having these issues.

Could you provide us with the GameLog.txt you find in Documents\My Games\Automation ?
Also, try to verify game cache via the properties - local files menu when you right-click the game in your Steam library (please do that first).

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