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Can't start the game



Posts: 4

Joined: Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:48 am

Cars: vw golf

Post Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:56 am

Can't start the game

Hi I can't start the game I press play game and they give me : automation_shipping_steam.exe stop working close the program

and on the note pad of the automation_shipping_steam I got a FMOD error 74 - the request event, bus or vca could not be found.

please help me


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Developer - Lead Beta Tester/Producer/German Efficiency Expert
Developer - Lead Beta Tester/Producer/German Efficiency Expert

Posts: 3711

Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:00 am

Location: Lower Hutt, New Zealand

Cars: I owned a Twingo... totally bad-ass!

Post Fri Sep 25, 2015 10:35 am

Re: Can't start the game


Please post your GameLog.txt here which you find in the folder Documents\My Games\Automation
That may give us a better clue about what is happening. The error 74 is irrelevant (everyone gets it) :)


Posts: 4

Joined: Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:48 am

Cars: vw golf

Post Fri Sep 25, 2015 12:15 pm

Re: Can't start the game

is it possible that I can't find the icone for lunching the game by my computer it's seem that it launch by steam


Posts: 4

Joined: Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:48 am

Cars: vw golf

Post Fri Sep 25, 2015 12:20 pm

Re: Can't start the game

[20:14:56] Lua: Lua Version: "Lua 5.1"
[20:14:56] Lua: LuaJIT 2.0.3
[20:14:56] Lua: Starting initialization process...
[20:14:56] Lua: Game Version: 150707
[20:14:56] Lua: Loading User Settings
[20:14:56] Lua: Loading Player Settings...
[20:14:56] Lua: Player Name is: Developer
[20:14:56] Lua: No Unit Settings, Defaulting to Metric
[20:14:56] Lua: Loading Display Settings from XML
[20:14:56] Lua: --------------------------------------
[20:14:56] Lua: Display Settings:
[20:14:56] Lua: Resolution: 1280 x 800
[20:14:56] Lua: Mode: 0
[20:14:56] Lua: SSAO: true
[20:14:56] Lua: FXAA: true
[20:14:56] Lua: Viewport Res: 1
[20:14:56] Lua: --------------------------------------
[20:14:56] Lua: Starting Kee Engine...
[20:14:59] Engine: Engine initialisation complete.
[20:14:59] Engine: Kee Error: File does not exist.
[20:14:59] Engine:
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonUp.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonUpHot.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonUpPressed.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonDown.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonDownHot.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonDownPressed.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/SliderPipVert.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/SliderPipVertHot.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/SliderPipVertPressed.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ComboBoxTitle.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ListboxSurround.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/UI_ListBG.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonDown.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonDownHot.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonDownPressed.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonSmall.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonSmallHot.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonSmallPressed.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonSmallPressedHot.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/trash.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/copy.dds
[20:14:59] Lua: Initialising Sound Manager
[20:14:59] Lua: Initialising Music Manager
[20:14:59] Lua: Start Theme
[20:14:59] Engine: resizing window: width 1274, height 744
[20:14:59] Engine: Entering particle update thread.
[20:14:59] Lua: Kee Engine Started Successfully
[20:14:59] Lua: Actual Resolution:
[20:14:59] Lua: Resolution: 1274 x 744
[20:14:59] Lua: Init GUI
[20:14:59] Lua: Add Screen
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/common/backdrop.dds
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/fonts/Font_12_fr-FR.png
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/fonts/Font_13_fr-FR.png
[20:14:59] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/common/horizontal.dds
[20:14:59] Lua: Creating Load Screen
[20:15:00] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/common/LoadScreen.dds
[20:15:00] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/common/red_leather_strip.dds
[20:15:00] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/fonts/Font_Scaled_fr-FR.png
[20:15:00] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures/CalculatingWheel.dds
[20:15:00] Lua: Creating Message Boxes
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/MessageWindow.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TopBar.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/PanelMiddle.dds
[20:15:02] Lua: Creating Timeline
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/RedTimeline.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/RedTimelineHot.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/RedTimelinePressed.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/BlueTimeline.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/BlueTimelineHot.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/BlueTimelinePressed.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/ChevronTimeline.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Platform/Morphing.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Platform/Chassis.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Platform/Fixtures.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Platform/Models.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Engine/Family.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Engine/Bottom_End.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Engine/Top_End.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Engine/Aspiration.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Engine/Fuel_System.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Engine/Exhaust.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Engine/Testing.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Trim/Drive_Train.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Trim/Wheels.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Trim/Brakes.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Trim/Aerodynamics.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Trim/Interior.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Trim/Suspension.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/Timeline/Trim/Testing.dds
[20:15:02] Lua: Creating Timeline Manager
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/fonts/Font_11_fr-FR.png
[20:15:02] Lua: Creating Top Bar
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/BlackDivider.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/fonts/Font_13_Bold_fr-FR.png
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonRight.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonRightHot.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonRightPressed.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonLeft.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonLeftHot.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonLeftPressed.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/PadLock_Small.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Close.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/CloseHot.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ClosePressed.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ButtonSave.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ButtonSaveHot.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ButtonSavePressed.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Car_Models.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Car_Trims.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Engine_Family.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Engine_Variant.dds
[20:15:02] Lua: Creating Thumbnail Saver
[20:15:02] Lua: Creating Tutorial Window
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/common/SparkleNoiseMap.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/common/checkbox.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ListboxMedium.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/textures_manual/PadLock.dds
[20:15:02] Lua: Creating Scenario
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ScenarioPanel.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ScenarioSpacer.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Scenario 9 PNG.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/fonts/Font_Scaled_bold_fr-FR.png
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/LogosmallPost.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/PlatinumAward.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/TestingPanel.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/common/BlankScenarioPlate.dds
[20:15:02] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/ui/common/ScenarioThumbHighlight.dds
[20:15:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/data/engines/Selection Tutorial.png
[20:15:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/data/engines/Selection I4.png
[20:15:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/data/engines/Selection V8.png
[20:15:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/data/engines/scenGen14.png
[20:15:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/data/engines/Inline6 S5.png
[20:15:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/data/cars/CarTutorial3.png
[20:15:03] Engine: Loaded texture ./assets/data/cars/Scenario 6 PNG.png
[20:15:03] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/BronzeAward.dds
[20:15:03] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/SilverAward.dds
[20:15:03] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/GoldAward.dds
[20:15:03] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/PlatinumAward.dds
[20:15:03] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Scenario 9 PNG.dds
[20:15:03] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ButtonSmallToggle.dds
[20:15:03] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ButtonSmallToggleHot.dds
[20:15:03] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ButtonSmallTogglePressedHot.dds
[20:15:03] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ButtonSmallTogglePressed.dds
[20:15:03] Lua: Create Engine Wizard
[20:15:03] Lua: Init Engine Wizard
[20:15:03] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/PanelRight.dds
[20:15:03] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/PanelLeft.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Car -518.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/Value_Background.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ListboxSmall.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ScrollBarSurround.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/fonts/Font_11_Bold_fr-FR.png
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/fonts/Font_10_Bold_fr-FR.png
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/ScrollBarLights.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonUp.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonUpHot.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ButtonUpPressed.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/ListboxNarrow.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/PadLock_MoreOpaque.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/AspirationCoverPlate.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/LabelBackdrop.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/Small_Details_Panel.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Tacho.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/GaugeNeedle.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/GaugeNeedleWhite.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/VacGauge.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/OilGaugeWarn.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/PowerGauge240.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/GaugeNeedleBlue.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/StartButton.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/Photo.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/PhotoHot.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/EyeClosed.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/EyeOpen.dds
[20:15:04] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_BackPlastic.dds
[20:15:05] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_TurboPiping.dds
[20:15:05] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_FIPiping.dds
[20:15:05] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_IntakeNA.dds
[20:15:05] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_ExhaustNA.dds
[20:15:05] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Divider.dds
[20:15:05] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_ConstantPiping.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_SeqTurboPiping.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_TurboOnlyPiping.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_NoIntercoolerPipe.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_TwinChargePiping.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_SuperOnlypiping.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_SuperPiping.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Exhaust.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_FuelSystem.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Headers.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Intercooler.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_SmallTurboComp.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_SmallTurboTurbine.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_SuperCharger.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_TurboTurbine.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_TurboComp.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Head_Exhaust.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Head_Intake.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Valve.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_PistonRPM.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_ConrodRPM.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_CrankTorque.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_CheckEngineLight.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_RPMWarning.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_TorqueWarning.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_TooRich.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Knock.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_ConrodTorque.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_PistonTorque.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Waste Gate Closed.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/TestDash_Waste Gate Open.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures_manual/SideStatsBG.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/SideStatsSurround.dds
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/fonts/Font_10_fr-FR.png
[20:15:06] Engine: Loaded texture assets/ui/textures/transparent.dds
[20:15:06] Lua: Setup Engine Wizard
[20:15:06] FMOD error 74 - The requested event, bus or vca could not be found.
Not available
[20:15:07] Engine:


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Developer - Lead Beta Tester/Producer/German Efficiency Expert
Developer - Lead Beta Tester/Producer/German Efficiency Expert

Posts: 3711

Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:00 am

Location: Lower Hutt, New Zealand

Cars: I owned a Twingo... totally bad-ass!

Post Fri Sep 25, 2015 12:23 pm

Re: Can't start the game

Can you see if this fix solves the startup issue?
http://steamcommunity.com/app/293760/di ... 763786630/

Also a DXDiag would be helpful in case that doesn't work:
http://wiki.automationgame.com/index.ph ... ation_File

In case the first fix doesn't solve the issue, please email the DXDiag to caswal@camshaftsoftware.com including a link to this forum thread :)


Posts: 4

Joined: Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:48 am

Cars: vw golf

Post Fri Sep 25, 2015 12:44 pm

Re: Can't start the game

Lua Version: "Lua 5.1"
LuaJIT 2.0.3
Starting initialization process...
Game Version: 150707
Loading User Settings
Loading Player Settings...
Player Name is: Developer
No Unit Settings, Defaulting to Metric
Loading Display Settings from XML
Display Settings:
Resolution: 1280 x 800
Mode: 0
SSAO: true
FXAA: true
Viewport Res: 1
Starting Kee Engine...
Dongle firmware C:\Program Files\Steam/controller_base/d0ggle.bin loaded, versio
n 1435869091.
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 293760
Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561198219615777 [API loaded no]
Initialising Sound Manager
Initialising Music Manager
Start Theme
Kee Engine Started Successfully
Actual Resolution:
Resolution: 1274 x 744
Init GUI
Add Screen
Creating Load Screen
Creating Message Boxes
Creating Timeline
Creating Timeline Manager
Creating Top Bar
Creating Thumbnail Saver
Creating Tutorial Window
Initializing Theora Playback Library (1.0 RC2)
Creating Scenario
FMOD error 74 - The requested event, bus or vca could not be found.
Event Instance: event:/UI/Test_Results
Texture ./assets/shaders/cubemap/EngineRoom/Cubemap/OutputCube.dds mips: 9
Texture ./assets/shaders/cubemap/EngineRoom/Irradmap/OutputCube.dds mips: 9
Texture ./assets/shaders/cubemap/Highlight/OutputCube2.dds mips: 5
Texture ./assets/shaders/cubemap/EngineRoom/Irradmap/RoomMap.dds mips: 9
Texture ./assets/shaders/cubemap/EngineRoom/Irradmap/AddMap.dds mips: 3


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Joined: Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:51 pm

Cars: Ford F150

Post Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:54 pm

Re: Can't start the game

Iam having the same issue and have tried to fix it with what is posted and it is still not working. Attached is my log file. Please help....
(20.43 KiB) Downloaded 231 times


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Developer - Lead Beta Tester/Producer/German Efficiency Expert
Developer - Lead Beta Tester/Producer/German Efficiency Expert

Posts: 3711

Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:00 am

Location: Lower Hutt, New Zealand

Cars: I owned a Twingo... totally bad-ass!

Post Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:52 am

Re: Can't start the game

You are getting a DirectX error as the gamelog states. Have you installed the required DirectX 9 version as suggested in the first link I provided above?
http://www.microsoft.com/en-nz/download ... px?id=8109

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