Post Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:29 pm

Bugs: Deleting Cloned Variants

I have two bugs that I'd like to report

1) When I make a clone of a car and then delete the variant the clone is made from, the clone no longer works. For example, I have a car 'ABC' which has a variant called 'XYZ'. I then clone 'XYZ' and call the new variant 'PQR'. After making the modifications, PQR works fine. Now, if I delete XYZ then PQR crashes the game every time. I've repeated this with different models and it happens every time.

2) Create a new car. Now without making any changes like selecting a body style etc. close the window (changing the year does not seem to affect it). When you return to the cars list in the Sandbox, you will see the car you tried to create "New Car 1". Now delete this incomplete car. At this point what happens to me is that the variant that was on the list just above the car I deleted now changes and is called "New Variant 1" (whatever the default name for a new variant. I'm at work and don't have the screen with me) and loses all the customization. If I delete this "New Variant 1", then the previously saved variant returns to the list.

I'm using Automation on Steam (fully updated).